❄headcanons of Whitty❄

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Hey loveys! I know you guys want some new stories but all I got for now is this!

Hes the biggest softie ever.

He can make his hands warm, like he can heat them up.

He didn't know what a hug was until you showed him, after that he wouldn't stop hugging you.

Hes jelly of how tall Ruv is, Ruv is only like 9'3 and Whitty is 8'11 but man, he liked being the tallest one.

Tbh I feel like its easy to make him jealous, like if you just walked by a guy he would be so jealous, but he knows how to hide it.

Gives you puppy dog eyes if you say no to him and doesn't stop until he gets what he wanted.

He bites his ice cream.

Likes to hold you just to make you embarrassed.

This man will straight up just lean on someone's head without caring about how big and heavy he is, like he just puts his arm on them like they are a chair or something.

He doesn't like to wear shoes that you have to tie, he likes slip-on shoes more.

He likes spring, he's likes the flowers.

He absolutely hates the rain. (Like me)

He has the biggest soft spot for kids, he just loves them, ya know? He will do anything to protect them.

When its cold he will try to keep you warm, like he would pick you up and sit down with you and cuddle you and warm up his hands.

He loves horror movies.

Loves to do pranks on anyone, he goes all out for April 1st.

He likes to see you in his clothes, he thinks its cute with how big they look on you.

I feel like he's asexual and pan :)

He loves dogs so much, he's not a big cat person, tho he will still take care of one.

I feel like he loves sweet things.
I hope you enjoyed this!! Remember I take requests again!! :) tho I am not completely done with school, I don't have a lot so I can start doing stories again!! until next time, bye loveys🥺💜

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