🧸Hex x Panicked!reader🌧

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Requested by H3XRAVAGANAZA :) this is a sad but cute story :)) enjoy!^^
Y/n's pov:
For the past week I keep waking up at 3 in the morning having anxiety attacks, it keeps happening and I don't know why, but I'm really nervous because tonight Hex is sleeping over at my house and I'm worried he's gonna see me panicking and crying for nothing, well gotta get ready for school i guess.

~Time skip to you going home from college bc I'm lazy~

On my way home I ran into Hex, "ah!" I fell on my butt, I look up to see who I ran into, "Hex! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to run into you" I said getting up "oh don't worry! Also if you dont mind me asking, why are you in such a rush? You seem panicked, are you alright?" He ask helping me up

"Oh! Umm... um.. y-yea! I'm good!" I said trying to smile, of course! I just had to have a panic attack in front of him, trying to calm my self down and trying to look like I'm not panicked at all, I just tell him we're still doing the sleepover and ran away, poor thing, he's probably so confused.

I finally make it home, after I get inside I close the door and fall to the floor, I can't stop shaking, I feel like I'm going to pass out, why is this happening??
As I cry on the floor I hear a knock at the door.

I shot my head really fast and got up extremely fast, I text Hex to make sure its him on the other side of the door, its him thankfully, I text him I'll be just a minute and then I can open the door.

I run to the bathroom to fix my hair and to make it look like I just didn't cry, I go back to the and open it, "Hex! Hey man!" "Hey Y/n!" We both hugged and then we go the my bedroom, "where are your parents?" He ask, "Oh! They went out for the night, thats kinda why I wanted you to stay the night" we talked for hours and watched YT for some time, it was about 12 when we went to bed.

again I woke up at 3 in a panic, my heart felt like it was gonna explode out of my chest, I was crying, it was hard to breathe, I felt alone and scared, until I realized Hex was not in the room which made me panic more, he came back in the room seeing me all panicked, "Y/n?! Why are you crying?? Are you okay?? What happened??" He came up to me and sat next to me on the bed, "whats wrong? Why are you crying?" He looked at me with worry in his eyes "I-i-its no-nothi-ng" I said, of course he didn't believe me.

"Come on, whats wrong? You know you can tell me anything" he said trying to calm me down,
"I-I... Don't know why this is happening" I said crying more, he then pulled me into a hug, "hey, its alright if you don't know why this is happening, but how long has this been going on for?" "About the p-ast week now, I-I th-think" "why didn't you tell me? And is this why you just ran away from me today?" He ask rubbing my back, "y-yea, oh and about t-that, I'm s-s-sorry for just running away like that"

I said feeling guilty, "Its fine, but time you feel like this, please tell me, you know I'm always here for you" he said, "thank you" I said quietly, we both got in bed again but this time Hex was in bed with me, he wanted to be by me to make sure I didn't have a anxiety attack again, he cuddle me to make sure I felt safe.

"Can you stay for the next few days? My parents won't be home for a while, so until then can you stay?" I said looking at him, "Sure! I don't have anything else to do, plus I like cuddling like this with you" he said making me laugh a bit, "cutie" I said quietly.

"Good night Y/n" he said, "night nigh Hex"
Hey loveys! So this is my first story back! I hope you enjoyed this story!! I had a lot of fun doing this! I hope I did it right! Like with the anxiety attacks, I have never had anxiety attacks before so I hope I got it right! Until next time, bye loveys🥺💜

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