🧸Neon x Female!Reader🧸

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Requested by Sea-fairy-cookie I apologize if this is out of character for him! I don't really know much about him also please no more requesting characters that are not on my list in the first part, k? If they are not on the list then that means I don't know the character, so please remember that
Now on to the story! ^^ (also the only thing I could do for him is kisses and cuddles! He's under 18 k?) [E/c = eye color] also sorry if some spelling is bad

Y/n's pov:
Today was the first day I get to spend the day with my boyfriend, Neon! They told me They really wanted to spend the day together and somehow got my parents to say yes, I have no clue how he did but he's got he ways.

I finally got to their house! I knocked on the door and waited, "Y/n! You're here!" They said, "Hi Neo!" I said giving him a hug, "I'm so excited for today! I got everything ready" They said pulling me inside, "Wooow," his house was so colorful! "Your house is pretty!" I said looking at everything.

Neon's pov:
'Come on Neon! Ask her!! This is your chance!" I thought to myself, "Hey Y/n? I-i was wondering if we could try something new today for the date night?" I said looking at her in the eyes, her e/c is so beautiful, I could get lost in them, "Oh! What do you have in mind, Neo?"

I love it when she calls me Neo, it's so cute "Maybe this" I go in to kiss her, I could tell she wasn't expecting me to do that, I felt her kiss back.

Y/n's pov:
He kissed me! I kissed back, it was so nice, the kiss was filled with nothing but love, i felt Them grab my hands and pulled me closer, then we stop the kiss for some air and he then kissed me again, this time I kissed back instantly, then after a bit we both stop again

And we both started to laugh together, like a cute little laugh, like we can't believe we just did that They are very sweet and looked at me again "wanna do that again? But this time in the room so we can cuddle after? "O-okay" we both walked to the bedroom.

Neon's pov:
I cant believe I did that, but I loved it, her lips were very soft and she tasted like strawberries, I'm glad she liked the kiss, I'm luck to have her,
We both get on the bed and she gave me a kiss on the cheek, I look at her and kiss her on the lips again.

I could feel her smile into the kiss, and then I did too, after a bit we started to cuddle and watch some movies, it was so nice, I'm glad I have her.
Hi loveys! I hope you enjoyed this story!! I apologize if this is out if character for Neon, I don't know him that well, also he's under 18 so i did Fluff instead of "smexy" because he's like 16 so I hope that alright also as I said before, pls don't request a character not on The list anymore, I will see you soon, bye loveys!💜

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