🌧(Lucy)Gf x Female!reader🧸

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Requested by The_Whittiest_simp :) in this the reader has a cloud head :) Enjoy💜 I'll call the dad Erik, and the mom Nona :) (Nona is a cute name)
Y/n's pov:
Its hard having a Cloud for a head but I didn't think this would effect me in life, but I was wrong,
I remember when Lucy asked me to marry her I was so happy, but... I don't think her parents like that idea, and now I need to try to get her parents
Marriage approval.

Lucy's pov:
I know times have been hard for Y/n, but I don't know how to get my parents to say yes, they are so stubborn, I feel bad for her, she's my everything, so I'm gonna try to get my parents to say yes, "Hey mom, dad? Can we talk?" I asked my parents, "sure, whats up?" My mom said, "Can me and Y/n get married?" "Lucy, we've been though this, no, she's.....different, she can hurt you" my dad said, "she won't hurt me! Why can't you see that she makes me happy?!" I said walking away.

Y/n's pov:
I heard my phone ring "Oh! Did she get them to say yes??" I said to myself, I got my phone and saw the message "hey Y/n, um well, I didn't get them to say yes, they say you're gonna hurt me...." I almost started to cry but I can't, I'll get everything wet, I sent a message back "why?? I haven't hurt you before so why are they worried?? And what do they mean by I will hurt you??".

"They mean like when you cry or get mad, you make little lightning" now I get it, I just need to prove to them I can control it, "hey, I'm coming over, I think I know what I can do to make the say yes!" I put some cute boots on and a cute jacket and then ran to her house.

I got there after running for like 30 minutes, I knocked on the door, then her mom opened the door, "oh, its you, what do you what?" "Wait! Please! Don't close the door, I won't hurt Lucy! I would never hurt her, I love her" her mom just looked at me, then she let me in, then she sat me on the couch.

"Lucy! Come here! Y/n's here!" I was confused, then Lucy came don't and sat next to me, "Babe, You're here" Lucy said hugging me, then her dad sat in front of us, "We have something to tell you guys, me and Nona have been thinking, and we have decided that, you can get married" I jumped up really fast, "really?! Thank you!!" I said, Lucy gave them a hug, then Nona looked at me "well? Aren't you gonna get in the family hug?"

She pulled me into the hug and we all laughed happily together, I am officially apart of Lucys family, me and Lucy started to plan the wedding, and we asked all of our friends and Keith and Pico, they both are coming because they are together, they are cute together tbh, after a month it was the wedding, and me and Lucy finally got married, it was the best night of our life.
Hey loveys! I hope you enjoyed the story! Sorry I stopped for a bit, I had a eye infection so I had to take a break, but I'm all good now! Until next time, bye loveys🥺💜

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