🧸Sarvante x angel!reader🧸

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Requested by BurntLoafer :)
In this you are a angel but you try to be a devil! (I hope that makes sense) sorry if this is not exactly what you had in mind :( I tried my best! :) I hope you enjoy! ^^
Sarvante's pov:
When me and Y/n started dating I thought Y/n was a devil, but I was wrong, they are an angel! The way I found is I walked in on them changing and saw angel wings, "AH! GET OUT!" Y/n yelled at me, "OH! I am so sorry!" I blushed hard, but... they had angel wings.... but I thought they were a devil?!

Y/n's pov:
"F**K, F**K, F**K" She saw my angel wings, didn't she!? What am I gonna do?? I didn't want her to know! 'KNOCK' "Y/n? Sweetie pie? Can we talk?" Sarv said on the other side of the door "w-why?" Shit, did i just stutter? After that I had to tell her

*time skip to later in the relationship*

Sarvante's pov:
Y/n has been acting weird ever since I found out they were an angel, they act more like a devil, they do mean things to others, and they really like pranks but sometimes it can get a bit extreme,

Ruv once had to hold them down for a bit, but they never did anything to me tho, thankfully, but I am very confused, why are they acting like this? Did I do something wrong? They're very bossy, I want to know why they are acting like this, I'm going to ask them.

Y/n's pov:
It was been a few months after she found out I'm actually an angel, "Y/n? Can I ask you something?"
"Sure" "why did you hide the fact that you're an angel?" She said holding my hand "well.... because when I was younger both of my parents were devils but I somehow ended up as an angel, they told me I was perfect the way I was but I didn't like being an angel, so I tried to hide it, but I guess there was no point" I said sadly smiling,

"why did you try to hide it? I think dating an angel is actually pretty cool!" Said kissing my cheek, "heh, well just know I can't help how I act, I did have devil parents" I said booping her nose( or were one would be) she laughed, "how about we work on that?" She said, "work on what? The way I act?" I asked, "yea! Because if we do, we can spend more time together she said hugging me,

"That would be nice" I said kissing her.
I hope you enjoyed this! This was fun to do! (Because I love Sarvante, she's so cute🥺) sorry if
its a little short. Bye loveys!🥺💜

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