☁️Yandere!Ruv x Female!reader☁️

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Requested by YvetteCardosa :)) hi!!^^ its been awhile huh? Well sorry, Its just summer is going by very fast and I wanted to spend time with family^^ now on to the story!
Y/n's pov:
Me and Ruv have always been very close, but recently he's been acting weird....? I talked to Sarv to see if she sees it to and yea, she does, I remember one time I talked to one of my old friends and I haven't see them since...

I guess its nothing....right? I'm thinking way to much, I look over at my clock its 2:30?! I need to sleep.

Ruvs pov:
"Ah, finally, she's asleep" I said to myself, now who was it again? Ah! right, it was Tabi she talked to, guess she won't be seeing him anymore, now, where is he?

~°Time skip°~

Y/n's pov:
When I woke up I saw Ruvs jacket was on my bed with a note, it said "today's gonna be cold, so take this" I thought that was nice, "aww, he's so sweet sometimes" I said to myself, then Ruv came in "hey Y/n, did you sleep well? Also I got you some hot chocolate" he said sitting on my bed, "Aw, Ruv, thats so sweet of you, but why all of the sudden?"
I asked very confused.

"Um, well I just thought I could surprise you...?" Then I noticed that he had a weird smell coming from him, "Ruv? Is tha-that blood I smell....?" I was scared, why did he smell like blood?! "Huh? OH! UM, I-ITS NOTHING" he said as he ran out the room.

"Wha-?" I am so confused, first he comes back one day with blood all over him and now he smells like it?! Whats going on with him?

Ruv's pov:
Shit, what is she gonna do if she finds out about my secret?? I gotta tell her something, ah forgot it, she won't mind.

Y/n's pov:
I'm going out today, I don't feel safe with him, I'm going to call Tabi, after I tried to call him like 5 times I gave up, "why won't he answer?!" I then decided I would call Pico, "Hey! Can I stay with you? Yea, Ruvs been acting weird, so I wanna get away for some time, yea, I'll be there soon" "Ah, where you going?"

"AHH!" I turned around really fast to see who it was, it was Ruv, "Ugh! Ruv! You can't do that to me!" I said, "and where I'm going is none of your business" I can tell that made him angry, "what? I can go wherever I want!" I said in his face.

I don't think I should have done that, he knocked me out.

~°time skip°~
I woke up, and i don't where I am, "R-Ruv? Ugh, m-my head" I noticed I was in a chair tied up, "Wha- Ruv?! Whats going on?!" I didn't see anyone,
"Sarv?! Ruv?! ANYONE?!" I began to cry, I'm so scared, whats happening? Where is Ruv?! I heard a little laugh, I looked up really fast, "Well~ look who finally decided to wake up~" it was Ruv.

"RUV! What happened?! Whats going on?!" "Hey, hey, shh" he sat in front of me, "you're mine, you can't go anywhere now and now no one can hurt or take you" "Wha-" "shh, stop crying, its okay"

I don't know what to do, I'm stuck, what is Ruv planning to do with me? What's going to happen to me? "You're gonna be just fine" he said smirking, "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO ME?! HUH? WHAT DID I DO?!" I said crying more,

"Keep you down here, so no one can take you away from me" ~end~
Ahhh! This was fun to do!! I hope you enjoyed the story!! Also remember the artwork is mine!! Please dont use it!! Also you can request Tricky and Tabi!! Until next time, bye loveys!!😚💜💜

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