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Mariah sat at the foot of the couch while Amber braided her hair into two braids. Mariah had a hair appointment tomorrow. Amber had helped her take down her sew-in before she washed it, and now she was braiding it so that it wouldn't be all over the place while she slept tonight. They had wine and popcorn and were watching Mean Girls. Amber couldn't help but feel this was one of Mariah favorite movies because she was a Regina George clone in the flesh but she kept her thoughts to herself.

"How are things going with the guy you're talking to?"

Amber smiled. "Tez is nice. He's sweet."

Mariah had been very nice today and Amber was glad because she wasn't in the mood to deal with her attitude. Contrary to popular belief, Mariah was not always a bitch. Amber wasn't particularly aware that Mariah held envy towards her. She thought she was just moody. Mariah liked Amber, she just didnt like the way Noah looked at her. Mariah knew she fell short of the admiration Noah had towards Amber. She didnt know what it was that Amber had that she didn't.

"You never showed me what he looks like." Amber finished the end of the braid and grabbed her cell phone, pulling up a video she recorded of her and Dontez in his car. Dontez had one hand on the steering wheel, the other one was wrapped around Amber's thigh. He looked over at the camera and smiled before looking back at the road before the video ended.

Mariah thought he was cute. He wasn't Noah, but from what she could see, his car was nice in the inside. She knew Audi seats when she saw them. Her 'other' man always showed her pictures of ones he dreamed to own one day. That's all it was though, a dream.

"He's cute. Are things getting serious?"

"Yeah, he asked me to be his girlfriend a few weeks ago." She blushed. "Its been going really well." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh y'all be fucking?" Amber hit her arm. "Mariah!"

They both giggled. "What?! Me and Noah get it in. He's so fucking nasty sometimes and his dick is big. How you think I've been locked down so long?"

Amber covered her ears playfully. Noah was her best friend, but Mariah going into to detail about their sex life was a bit much. She didnt want to think about what Noah's dick looked like but it had officially entered the chat.

"Whatever. I don't want to talk about you fucking Noah." She laughed. "But yes, Dontez and I have our fun." She blushed.

The front door opened and Noah walked in, his friend Vaughn trailing behind him and surprisingly Damien was also with them. The guys all held paper bags, a sign they stopped at the liquor store before coming here. Amber instantly stood from the couch and wrapped her arms around Damien. He laughed and rocked her from side to side.

"Oh my fucking god!" She screamed out in excitement. "When did you get here!"

Damien laughed and looked over at Noah who was playing offended. "Damn, fuck yo best friend huh? No 'Hey best' you just gone run straight to Dame like you not in my fucking house nigga?" He asked, walking over to kiss Mariah.

"Sorry. It's just I didnt know he was home." She said hugging Noah and Vaughn as well. Mariah rolled her eyes. She didnt understand why Noah cared when clearly they were all close. He was doing way too much.

"Fuck him, I'm your real best friend anyway." Dame added. "What's up Mariah?" He greeted to be met with silence. Mariah's attitude had shifted after the exchange between Amber and Noah. She was annoyed.

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