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A u t h o r s - N o t e:

*New Noah Alert*

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Noah and Amber had known each other since they were born. They had grown up together. If you saw Amber, Noah wasn't far behind her. They had been best friends their entire lives and it was nothing you could ask Noah about her and he wouldn't know the answer. They grew up so close.

Amber and Noah didn't meet Mariah until the first year of high school. Mariah had moved to their town from New Jersey. Her dad lived here in Atlanta and she wanted to try out living with her father. First thing you noticed about Mariah was her accent, after that, her attitude.

Mariah took a liking to Amber. Amber thought she was cool, and all the boys thought she was the most attractive freshman girl in the school.

Amber sat her books on the desk before taking her seat. It was freshman year and 15 year old Amber was nervous.

Her best friend Noah and his friend Damien went to her school, but were not in her first class. In fact, she only had one class with Noah on her entire schedule. Amber tended to have a very timid personality and she was very nervous about attending a new school, so imagine her concern when her Bestfriend, her protector, only had one class with her. It sucked. Yes, most of the kids in her ninth grade classes, she had went to junior high with, but they weren't her best friend.

Amber watched as a girl she didn't recognize, entered the classroom. She looked around before walking down the aisle and taking a seat next to Amber. Amber then, took a good look at her. She was dressed really nice and had very neat box braids in her hair. Amber thought about how she always wanted box braids, but her hair was long and thick and the stylist would always try to charge her mother more to braid her hair; Selena refused.

Mariah suddenly turned to Amber, startling her. "Do I have something on my face?"

Amber was taken back. "Im sorry?"

"Well you keep staring at me." Mariah stated. Amber could hear the irritation in her tone.

"I-I um-" Amber paused getting her thoughts in order. "I really like your hair. My mom doesn't let me get braids because they cost too much."

At that, Mariah smiled. "Oh girl, I thought you were weird for a second." she said before continuing.

"My cousin did my hair, maybe she could hook you up. You want her number?"

Amber quickly nodded. "Yes that would be cool."

"Cool, ill give it to you after class. My phone is in my locker." Mariah said turning back forward in her seat.

After class, Amber followed Mariah down to her locker. Mariah scrolled through her phone for a while. "Sorry one second."

"Munchkin!" a loud voice shouted.

Mariah looked up, a confused look on her face. "Thats just Noah." Amber quickly said just as Noah ran up and put Amber into a head lock. Dame was trailing him laughing at his friend.

Noah was always bothering Amber.

"Noah, quit it! You're going to mess up my hair!" She whined.

"Who you trying to look cute for anyway nigga?"

Amber opened her front camera on her cell phone, brushing her hair back into place with her fingers. "Nobody, don't start Noah. I just don't want my hair looking crazy cause you want to play all the time!"

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