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A u t h o r s - N o t e:

Tip: My college English professor told me when he edited one ofmy research papers, that if a number is below ten spell it out for example: "My daughter is eight years old."

It has always stuck with me since. Hope that helps any future writers.

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Amber pulled her ringing phone out of the pocket of her white scrub uniform as she walked out of the hospital. She checked the caller ID, seeing that her brother was calling her. He liked to periodically check on her and Baby since he lived out of state.

Her and her siblings were tight now that they were older so she was hurt when her brother moved away. They didn't see him often, but he visited when he could.

The facetime call connected and her brothers smiling face appeared on the screen.

"Hey Ace." She greeted getting into her car. She placed her phone on her dock and started her car, pulling into traffic.

"Hey lil mama. Whats good?" he asked. He was eating a McChicken from McDonalds.

"Nothing, on my way home from clinicals. What you up to?"

He leaned the camera down and her nephew appeared in the screen. He was sucking on a pacifier, but he wasn't looking at the camera. He was probably watching tv.

"Im on daddy duty tonight."

Amber smiled. "Hey Boobie!" She cooed into the phone.

The baby looked up at the phone expressionless before turning his attention back to whatever he was looking at. Ace laughed. "Stop calling him that shit."

Amber rolled her eyes. "Thats what mama calls him."

"Thats mama not you."

Amber pulled into the driveway and cut the car off getting out and walked in the house. Selena was laying on the couch watching Judge shows. Baby was sitting on the floor by the couch and on his phone as usual. She didnt know where her dad was. Most likely in the den; he was always in there.

"Hey ma." She greeted, taking her shoes off. Selena didn't play about her floors in her house.

"Hey mommy!" Ace shouted from the phone. Selena sat up curiously.

"Ace." Amber said answering her unasked question.

"Oh." She said. "Hey baby."

Amber made her way up to her bedroom and flopped down on her bed. She was exhausted. Between school and her internship, she was wearing herself thin. Her and Ace talked for a while before another call came through.

It was Mariah.

"Let me call you back Ace."

"Aight, I gotta put him to bed anyway. He starting that whining shit." Amber laughed. "Okay bye, love you."

"Love you too." Ace said before ending the call.


"I need you to come pick me up." Mariah started.

"From where?" Amber asked confused. Mariah had a car, a really nice car.

"I'll drop a pin." She simply said before hanging up in her face.

Amber sighed and got up stripping out of her clothes. She needed to take a shower before anything. After she was done, she threw on some sweats and carried her Ugg boots down to the front door before putting them on and walking out.

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