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Noah dragged his eyes back and forth, watching, but very unconcerned, as Mariah paced around their bedroom. She walked back and forth, fuming in every single step she took.  He wondered why she was upset, but the game was on. He was more irritated that she was currently blocking his view of the flat screen TV he had mounted against the wall every ten seconds.

"Mariah, can you sit the fuck down. You makin' me dizzy mama." Noah muttered.

"Can you believe she let that bitch talk to me like that?!" He shook his head and rolled his eyes, turning the volume up a few notches.

"I do everything for that bitch. She's going to learn to respect what I say! Amber is turning into a real bitch. Who does she think she is? She dyed her hair black. Her hair was brown, what's the fucking difference bitch?!"

Noah huffed and stood up, flicking the TV off. He obviously wasn't going to watch the game peacefully tonight. She should have stayed out if she was going to come home acting a fool. Last time she was this mad was when Amber was accepted to college. She called her every curse word in the book and ignored her for a week. It was petty as hell.

He walked upstairs to his room and walked in the closet, listening to her footsteps follow like he knew they would.

"What the fuck Noah? I was talking to you!" She shouted, glaring at him.

"Nah, you been bitching and talking down on your best friend for an hour. You wasn't talking to me..."  Noah said waving her off. He really didn't care about nothing she was saying. She wasn't saying nothing. "Whatever. What are you doing?"

"Getting dressed, you should go get ready too, you take longer than me."

"For what?" She asked with a small smile as she walked up to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck making a small smile form on his lips. "Imma take you out to dinner ma." He said grabbing her left ass cheek in his hand making her moan.

"Am I the entree?"

Noah laughed loud in her face. "You know I don't eat pussy, go head."  Noah said smacking her ass.

She gave him a look of slight disappointment but quickly recovered. She flipped her hair with her signature sass and skipped to her side of the closet. he shook his head and got ready for their date. It takes him no time to get dressed. he could just throw on something simple with a few chains and a hat and be good, but Mariah was so extra. It took her like two hours to put on a dress and some heels and cake her fuckin face with junk she ain't need. It was the exact reason why he told her their reservations were earlier than they actually were. He ain't have time to fuck around with her.

He sat on the couch waiting for her to come down and opened up twitter.  Noah didn't get on twitter often. It was something he did when he was bored but he never seemed to miss anything on there. It seemed like every time Noah opened the app, he saw what he needed to see.

Mariah walked down the steps and stopped at the bottom flipping her hair. he knew she wanted a compliment just because he knew Mariah.

"You look nice babe." She gave him a smile and grabbed his hand. He opened the front door and let her walk out before locking the door. "Noah hurry up before I start sweating!"

He opened her door and she slid in before he jogged to the other side. "These stupid leather seats are burning his fucking legs. Why didn't you just start the car before I came down?" She rolled her eyes and he just shook his head.

She never failed to find something to complain about. It's something he couldn't stand about her. She made a big deal out of nothing. he didn't complain when she left hair all over the bathroom and tubes of lip gloss in dumb ass places, but she loved to whine and complain about everything under the sun and it was so annoying. he was so used to it to the point where he either didn't pay her any attention or he just didn't say nothing back to her. It ain't like she would hear anything other than her own voice.

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