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A u t h o r s - N o t e:

I like spelling six like that don't think about it too much lol

Happy reading..

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Aryana and Amber were sitting on the couch watching Bad Girls Club with their mother while she finished up some last minute assignments. Selena didn't understand the show and she thought it was ratchet and pointless, which it was, but Amber and Aryana would defend this show till they were blue in the face. This was their favorite show.

"I can't watch this any longer. I need to go to the market for dinner anyway." She said standing up.

"Amir!" She yelled up the stairs.

After a few minutes, her dad came down. "What Selena?"

"Come to the market with me for dinner." He nodded and went to put on shoes. "Baby will be home any minute and tell him not to-" the front door opened cutting her off mid-sentence.

Amir Jr. walked in, his head bobbing to whatever music was playing from his iPhone, sitting his duffle bag on the ground by the door. Selena walked over and pulled the plugs from his ears and he shot her a crazy look before kissing her cheek.

"What's with the disrespect mama?"

"I'm going to the store. Don't touch that pie, do you hear me?" He nodded. "I'll try to stay away. You betta hurry back woman." She smacked the back of his head and we all started laughing as her dad came back down.

He opened the front door for her, and they left. "Damn, Ary, you still here?!" He asked plopping down on the couch.

"Stop acting like you don't miss me hoe ass nigga." Amber shook her head, a big smile on her face as she wrote in her notebook.

Aryana's mouth was so reckless.

"I don't miss you nigga!" She waved him off. "You love me nigga."

"Baby, don't you got homework?" she asked. "You never have homework."

"I got some girl at school to do it for me." Aryana shook her head. "Just like that?"

He nodded. "I sit by her in my Geometry class and she drools over me the whole 45 minutes and still passes. That girl is smart as fuck." Amber and Aryana both fell out and Baby shrugged.

"Why haven't you ever had a girl come over, seriously?"

"What you mean?" He asked sitting up on the couch.

"You don't introduce mama to nobody. You just bring them here when she's not home."

"They hoes ain't loyal!" He sang making her crack up. "That's your answer?"
He nodded.

"Y'all know how much ma means to me. These hoes ain't about to be just up here kickin it with her."

"So, you never gone bring no friends around?" He shrugged. "When I find somebody I really like, I'll introduce her cool?" they nodded.

Amber checked her watch and hopped up, "Where are you going Amb?" Baby asked.

"I have class, so I will see you two later." She mumbled cleaning up her books and utensils. She grabbed her phone and her bag before getting up from the couch and making her way to the front door. She walked outside heading down the driveway towards her car, before getting in, pulling off and heading down the street.

Once she entered her class, she sat down and looked around to see who was here. Her professor stood in the front of the class going through a few papers waiting for more people to show up. Amber pulled out her phone, getting on Twitter, to pass time until she began.

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