quirky adventures of y/n and nishi-nishi

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author's note:
so I was going to write a sequel but I couldn't think of ideas so fast and I don't want to use the same jokes cause that would be lame. Here are some idea that I came up with but didn't want to use in the story cause we don't want y/n to be too much of a weirdo. Let's get this over with shall we? Also side note this is going to be from y/n's perspective again. yay. Also this part's kinda lame and unfunny cause I thought of it so fast.

I woke up in the morning at exactly 4am to the sound of my magical new alarm. "WOOF WOOF" "Ahh exactly what I needed to start the day!" I think to myself as I look around the room which is full of hot burning gorgeous red and orange shining flames of fire. "This is fine" I say out loud as the fire continues to eat up all my furniture and burn my walls to charcoal. "Maybe I should call the fire department but I don't know. I don't want to get out of the bed. It's warm here. Wait maybe that's the fire." I say as the fire slowly spreads on my sheets while I don't notice. "Hi my house is on fire." "Are you safe? Are you outside of it?" "Ahaha calm down I have time you don't have to go so fast this isn't F1. Wait haha formula 1? More like fire everywhere! AHAHHSBSHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHSHSJSHHSAHHZHHAHAH" I sweetly laugh and the operator stays silent for a minute. "ahaha I'm so QUIRKYYYY" I flirting-ly say to the male operator who's been dead silent for at least 5 minutes straight. "oh my flirting with the operator how silly of me!" I jokingly make fun of myself as the house is partially burned off and a second later my whole roof falls down but completely avoiding me for some reason. I wonder why.

It's a beautiful night outside. I woke up at 0:00 today to do my usual midnight howl since it's full moon today. "AwhooooooooOOOOOOOOO" I majestically howl to the gorgeous light black moon shining in the dark white sky and after a few minutes I finish. Suddenly my neighbor walks out of his house half asleep and asks me "hey what the fvrick did you get a DOG????!?!". "um no not that I recall" I say while standing on all fours. "Fvricking weirdo" says my neighbor and walks back inside his house. "Pshh you should be nicer to your neighbors" I say as I piss on his newly grown strawberries. What a shame.
Noya's POV
She stood there in the moonlight. She's not even pretty just full out stupid why did I agree to this. AND WHY IS SHE PISSING ON HIS YARD. Oh goodness. This is not good. This reminds me of my dog. He had a weird mutation where he would just randomly piss himself but he couldn't control it so he had to wear diapers. Like the ones for babies. And she's just as ugly too! Maybe they're long lost siblings - actually at this point I wouldn't even be surprised.

It's our 1 year anniversary today! I decide to make a cake. Nishi-nishi is going to be so happy! I took out the ingredients and started. I added flour, eggs and all the other ingredients in the bowl and started mixing. "Should it be this thiCC? Eh I guess." I question myself but immediately shake the thought and keep on mixing. "Now to decorating!" I say as I assemble the cake and add some decorative sprinkles and sugar flowers. "Looking good and the texture looks fine too." I say and pop the cake in the microwave. After 30 minutes I take the cake out. "wow it smells so good." I say while laying the cake on the kitchen board. "I think I should've added the decorations after cooking."* I say a bit disappointed but still happy it ended up looking so good. "Tada! Hehe. Barbara's here!" (that's a line from genshin impact sorry lol I was so tempted) I say when Nishi-nishi comes home. "Oh not again. Didn't you do this like, last week???" "Oh silly that wasn't last week that was 6 months ago! Our half-year-sarry! This is our 1 year anniversary!" I say, excited to make him cut into the cake. "Let's just get this over with" he says with his adorable voice. I watch as his strong hands take the knife laying on the countertop and as he slowly, carefully cuts the cake into a few pieces. He takes one piece, puts it on his plate and hesitates for a little while but then taking a mouthful of the homemade cake. "WHY IS IT CRUNCHY?? DID YOU PUT LIKE EGGSHELLS IN IT OR SOMETHING?  AND WHY DOES IT TASTE SO WATERY??" he exclaims. "I though the eggs go there whole? And well I didn't have milk so I used water instead, neither did I have butter so I wanted to use milk cause butter is made out of milk but I didn't have that so I used water again! I'm so smart right!" I happily answer. "PLEASE DONT COOK. LIKE. EVER." "Ahah why you didn't like it? I think it tastes good. The hard egg part adds a nice crunch don't you think?" "IT TASTES LIKE WATERED DOWN CARDBOARD WITH GLASS IN IT!"

*actually a blooper. while writing this I didn't even realize I was supposed to add the decorations AFTER cooking. How disappointed I am of myself. I don't even wanna know how that would end up with me irl. I'm such a disappointment.

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