y/n is that you??

39 3 6

Hey it's me (name) again. It's been a few months since I stopped thinking about y/n. Up until last week. I was walking my way to a bar because I genuinely have nothing better to do and I want to "drink the night away" as the youngsters say. I walk into the bar and I see someone dancing on a very unbalanced bar stool. "That's a bad idea and I'd stop if I were you. Unless you want to break your neck. If that is what you dream of, that's fine with me I won't stop you." I say as the person falls, breaks their neck with a loud crack and starts screaming like Abi's brother (that's a reference only like 3 people understand including me. Or more idk.). "Well that was unexpected." I say and the person stands up like nothing just happened, scoffs and walks away with a quiet "n00bs". That was weird. I thought to myself but I had a feeling that person was really familiar. I couldn't get that thought out of my head the whole night. Was that who I thought it was? When I got home that night I texted Noya.

                                tiny aggressive simp
                                    tu April 27th 23:45
                                                        'hey I just had the weirdest encounter'
'haha hey'
'what encounter?'
                                                                                'I think I saw y/n'
'you WHAT'
'I really hope your joking'
'babe it isn't 1st April'
'wait it IS April'
'are you lying cause I don't play the piano so your scenario isn't working out-'
'hey answer me'
'I'll keep spamming you until you respond'
'hey answer me'
'this isn't funny'
                                    tu April 27th 23:56

                                    tu April 28th 00:14
'I'm outside let me in'
                                    tu April 28th 00:28
'I'm freezing here can you let me come in'

                                    tu April 28th 00:45
'open the door'
'open the door please'

                                    32 missed calls📞

That's when he lost it and started throwing stones at the window. Like the window wasn't even high up he was just throwing rocks in front of himself. But nothing. No sound. Nothing. He went on Snapechat to check my location but what he found was a little shocking. (nam- uhm I mean I was at the neighbor's house. I told him that there were new neighbors here but I has never seen them before. He started knocking like crazy on the neighbor's door until someone opened. But that someone..

was y/n.

He couldn't believe his eyes. She was alive..? Well at least my theory was proved right. But how? "What the heck.. HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE??!" he shouted in her face. For some reason y/n stood there expressionless. He didn't understand. Suddenly a maniacal grin appeared on her face and her eyes turned a bloody red colour, reminding him of a crazy Light Yagami kinnie. Good ol' days. Anyways. She grabbed his shoulders and started shaking him like he's a jammed snack machine. There was Never gonna give you up blasting full volume in the background. She was finally able to knock him out unconscious. Noya wakes up tied to a chair in the middle of a room, not noticing my beautiful self beside him, also tied. "What is this..? Where a- Y/N YOU LITTLE-" nishi-nishi shouts- (wait did I just say nishi-nishi out loud- wait I didn't say it OUT LOUD I just said it- I mean wrote it out loud- wait that doesn't make sens- let's just skip this part). Anyways. Noya shouts as y/n puts her hand on his mouth so he stops talking and he starts staring at her like she just came out of her casket back from the dead. Haha. Ahahahah. This isn't funny I'm just laughing so the atmosphere isn't serious or something. Or so you - aka the reader - don't feel like this is a serious fanfic. Cause it's definitely not and also trying to prove to you that no - you won't have a serious relationship with Kageyama and no Todoroki wouldn't hit on you and that's because you are not cool and because you're not cool here doesn't mean you'll be cool there, that's something called imagination it's NOT REAL it's ANIMATED and you are NOT ANIMATED so go TOUCH SOME GRASS. Anyways let's get back to what we were saying. "Y/n why would you do this? If I am the one you want just hear me out. I love (name) and nothing is gonna change that fact. I don't know how we ended up here or how you came back from the dead but disregarding that fact I don't love you y/n! The years spent with you was the worst time of my life. I don't care what you do to me but leave (name) out of this she didn't do anything to deserve this!" he shouts as my eyes start to fill with tears. "Please don't do this" I say. "Wow that's cool! I couldn't care less." y/n says with the most sarcastic tone I've ever heard. "I genuinely absolutely fully unlimitedly don't care. I really do not. Let's just get this over with. Nishi-nishi is mine and only mine. I must not let anyone take him. He is everything. He is worth any sacrifice. He. Will. Be. Mine. I have loved him longer than you you worthless trash can. You ashtray. You worthless deleted screenshot. You Light Yagami kinnie. You baka. You LightxL shipper. You TodoBakuDeku shipper. You ereri shipper. You disappointment. You person who doesn't know what guy friends are and has to ship everyone and everything. You toxic fandom. You betrayed me. And now my time has finally come to make you pay up. My PayPal is in my bio so if you wanna donate you can, or more precisely you better. Pay up sweetheart. Let's get back to business though. You will pay with your blood. I have been dead once and I will make you go through the same. Watch how your best friend dates the love of your life. I WILL DESTROY YO-" she gets suddenly interrupted. By guess what. A falling ceiling. Nice isn't it. She gets crushed under the weight. Or at least that's what the spraying blood that was all over the room, our bodies, everything. Also the guts. But after that we heard a small and quiet but very noticeable "eheh." under the weight of the ceiling. I wonder.

Y/n died and we have never heard from her again. Until..

her funeral. 🤩

We all gathered for the ceremony. After her funeral we all stood by the casket in all black as it started raining on us. We were prepared because it rains at like every funeral I don't know maybe because it sets the mood or something. There were like 2 people. Me and Noya. That's it. If you'd READ THE OTHER BOOK YOU'D KNOW. If you by any chance didn't, let me just say that her whole family was murdered by a speeding hOnking truck. Also side note🥰😍 READ THE FIRST BOOK YOU DISAPPOINTMENT. If you read it thanks so much for reading and WHY DIDN'T YOU ADD A STAR. (if anyone's taking this seriously, please, I'm kidding). Let's get back to the story. We stood there in the rain as he had his hair down (OHMYGOODNESS OHMYGOODNESS OHMYGOODNESS) because of the wet water pouring from the sky. "So what now?" I ask. "Whatever you want" "Ahh right. Wasn't there a new coffee shop in town?" I ask quietly as he takes my hand and we start walking in the direction of the coffee shop.

Little did we know someone quite familiar was watching us from afar.

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