"Blaise, where exactly are we going?" I breathed, slightly exhausted from the trip around the castle we had just taken. He continued rushing down the hall, leaving me to trail behind.
"You'll see!" He laughed.
I have no clue where this is going, but still, I followed until we made it to a classroom on the sixth floor. The class was new to me, and to be honest, it looked as though it had been untouched for years. Maybe that was why I was taken back by the sight of a group of students standing in a circle, Neville, standing on a desk, trying to keep them all quiet. Blaise looked at me and smiled before grabbing my wrist and leading me to the desk where Neville stood.
Blaise put me in between Neville and himself. As I scanned the room, I caught sight of many familiar faces. There were eleven of us in total, all from our year. Neville, Blaise and I, of course, and Seamus, Dean, Ginny, Pansy, Daniel, Eleanor, Luna and Sebastian. "Blaise, what's going on?" I furrowed my brows at him. He smiled proudly,
"you'll see." He turned to the group before calling out to get their attention. "Well..." He started awkwardly, looking around. "I'm not sure anyone other than Neville, and I know why we are all here," everyone mumbled in agreement. "We are starting a group. In the group, we will keep each other updated on the happenings outside of Hogwarts and train. Then If all goes south, have each other's backs. Everyone here poses as a value to the group, whether it be in knowledge, skill, inside information, or they seem willing to put themselves on the line to win the war."
I smiled widely. Of course, Neville and Blaise had thought of something. Despite my bright overlook on the situation, others looked around, a cautious look on their faces. A confused look spread across my face as I waited for someone to speak. Eventually, Sebastian began talking.
"And why exactly are there two Slytherins here?" I shot a look at him, causing him to pause, "what? How do we know we can trust them?"
"Sebastian, I think I would have figured it out by now if they weren't trustworthy. Besides, why do they being In Slytherin make them any better than you or I?"
"I-" He begun, clearly taken aback by my snap.
"Exactly. Any other questions?" I said, growing frustrated at Sebastian's judgement.
"Yeah," Ginny spoke up, stepping to the front. "Why aren't Harry, Ron and Hermione here?" I opened my mouth, taken by surprise to find the three not present. I looked at Neville, awaiting an explanation.
"Well, Blaise and I discussed," he looked at Blaise, a smile on his face. "While Harry, Hermione and Ron are great, we just don't think they would have been as excepting towards some of the group. Besides, they don't really like to share." The majority of the group nodded in agreement. "Well, now that we are all happy, there are a few other things to talk about. We want a leader. Just so things don't get out of control. Blaise and I can organise it all, but we need people who can take charge and help us prepare. And we talked about it, and the two people who stood out were Layla and Ginny."
"Ginny is a strong leader, has skills that could help us, and she provides as a tie to the Order. Layla, she's smart, mastered spells some professors could barely conjure and has obviously proven she is willing to risk herself for anyone and everyone."
I caught eyes with Ginny, and we shared a smile. I wasn't sure how I hadn't thought of this before now. A diverse group to prepare and lean on each other's strong points. It is perfect.
"Now the group consists of fourteen members, though three wish to remain anonymous and won't attend meetings. However, they will provide us with information and resources. Oh, and we will mainly meet on a Wednesday, but because we want us all to become closer, we may meet up another time, but you can rely on us to notify you.
Neville and Blaise continued to explain what was going to happen and answered any questions. But I stood there in awe. I couldn't believe they had organised this all. It was amazing. But another thought also loomed in my head. Who were these other three members? I had a hunch, but I couldn't be sure?
It wasn't until we finished and nine members filed out I questioned Blaise. "Who are the three members? He stopped shuffling the paper in his hand and looked at me with a smirk.
"And why should I tell you?" I let out an exasperated sigh before looking him dead in the eye.
"Blaise, please."
"If you can guess them all right, at once, I will tell you if you're right." He smirked as if he had won. I thought over my choices for a moment. I wasn't sure that if I didn't get it first go, he would give me another shot. Then again, who else would it be?
"Fine, Draco Malfoy, Snape and Dumbledore." I bit my lip apprehensively, regretting my decision instantly. But my hope was restored as Blaise turned around In shock. "What?"
"Yes, you got it right," he sighed. I smiled, thinking about Draco. He wanted to be a part of this. He was going to help us. But despite the hope that flickered momentarily, it was instantly replaced with a pit of guilt and worry. I wobbled slightly as my vision grew blurry. I took a seat, feeling Blaise's eyes on me. "Hey," he said, kneeling beside me, "he's gonna be ok, just don't give up on him. You mean a lot to the guy." I sniffed quietly and nodded.
"It's just- Sometimes it seems like he's given up. Did you notice how ill he looked?" I felt my stomach turn at the thought of his new frail physique, pail features and gloomy look.
Before Blaise could reply, Ginny came racing into the room. She bent over at the door, regaining her breathe from obviously running here. After a minute-long silence, she looked up at me.
"Layla," she explained, "Dumbledore needs you." I scrunched my eyebrows, looking at Blaise. He shrugged, clearly having no idea of what this could be about.
"Alright then," I sighed, "what's the password to his office."

Little Miss Diggory || A Draco Malfoy Love Story
FanfictionDraco - Is this how it feels? To have someone you care for so dearly... leave? I'm not sure. But I know I have to talk to her again. - Layla - How had I come to rely on this boy so much? How had I grown to care and trust him? I'm not sure. But I kno...