Chapter 8

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A month had passed since my detention with Umbridge, and my scars were beginning to heal. I had spent more time with Pansy, Blaise and Draco, and I was ultimately feeling happy again.

However, in the past week, things had happened with Umbridge and the Minister of Magic, dreadful things. Our classes were changing, and ridiculous rules were enforced. The Ministry was losing it. I may not like Potter, but I believed him.

Voldemort was back.

"Layla!!!" I heard Elanor come sprinting into the Common room. I stood up, worried about what was going on. "You need to come to check on Daniel" she gasped, clearly exhausted from running.

"Why what wrong?" I looked around franticly scared by her urgency.

"They are saying Trelawney, she is getting fired."

I followed her down the steps and around the corners, weaving our way through the massive castle. We found ourselves among the crowd of students, arriving at Daniels side to hear,

"Hogwarts is my home!" She pleaded I could see the tears rolling down Daniels's cheeks, I put a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. However, I found myself locking eyes with a certain smug-faced blonde, I sent him a glare wondering how he could be smiling at such a sight. I had never cared much for Divination. But I cared about Daniel, and that was his aunt in tears over there.

"Don't you all have study to do?" I am snapped back into reality to see Sybill being taken back inside and Dumbledoor's loud voice echoes throughout the opening. I pulled Daniel into a short hug before saying goodbye allowing him to go find Sybill. I felt a hand tug on my arm,

"Ello Layla, it been a while," I turn back being pulled into a hug.

"We thought you might wanna come to join us," the other continued,

"We are plotting our revenge on Umbridge!" I hushed them not wanting Umbridge to hear. I smirked,

"C'mon then," I chirped "I've had a few run-ins with the witch," they laughed. My family had been close to the Weasley family since I was young. We would spend a lot of time together due to the fact we lived close. They were very kind people. But I never got along with (gagging sound) Percy or Ron. But these two had to be my personal favourites. They may just be the only Gryffindors I could stand.

We spent about five minutes in total planning but found ourselves joking around the rest.

"Hey," Fred came running up next to me, I smiled at him, "I just wanted to see how you're doing, y' know after everything happened with Cedric." He said, looking at the ground. I let out a sigh,

"I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him," I nodded before starting again, "but I think im starting to find my peace." He smiled.

"I'm proud of you," he said, punching my shoulder gently.

"I'm glad to see someone is," I chuckled.

"But seriously," he paused, questioning his next words, "you meant a lot to him, he would be happy too," we both went quiet, it wasn't an awkward silence, but peaceful and calm. "Look," he said, breaking the silence "I better find George, but you should come to Hogsmeade with me this weekend," he was nervous, then it hit me. He was asking me-

"as in-"

"as in a date," he smirked, I paused pondering my decision.

"I would love to," I smiled.

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