Hi, I don't believe we have met before. Now I couldn't tell you exactly why I was here... Because that would give the next part of Layla's story away, wouldn't it? However, I guess I can introduce myself.
I'm the narrator.
Pain can make people do stupid things, and pain can make people not think straight. So maybe it's for the best you won't see the world from Layla's eyes from now on.
After all, the world can be a gloomy place when you've lost the one person who you thought you could rely on.
Something new had sprung about in the atmosphere, something that seemed to worry Layla even more so. No one else had noticed, carrying on with their game. But her heart was beginning to race faster, and her hands grew clammy.
"I need some air," she finally gasped, standing from the circle all her friends seemed to be having fun in. A few others offered to join her after noticing her panicked expression. But Layla declined, once again following her gut.
When she stepped out of the humid room, she was instantly hit with a wave of cold wind that sent shivers down her spine. Some would find such a feeling refreshing, but not now. The castle's air felt thick and uncomfortable. She felt as if something no good were approaching.
Suddenly two sets of footsteps came bursting down the corridor, causing Layla to jump in fright. "We both know we have to say goodbye." A familiar voice, that was. The voice belonged to her dear uncle. Layla was shocked. What was he doing out at such a time?
Confused, she walked into the corridor, only to be faced by two panicked faces. Snape and Draco. Layla opened and closed her mouth, unsure of what was going on. But when Snape firmly grabbed her shoulders and looked at her sadly, she realised. Layla realised something had happened. Tears were running down Snape's cheeks at this point, and Layla's would too in only a moment.
"This has to be quick," Snape said, his usual stern voice wavering. "Before I leave, you must know, this isn't what I wanted. I did what I had to for Draco and me. I love you and Cormac very much, and when you, Harry, Ron, and Hermione defeat him, I hope we can reunite... But for now, this is goodbye." He hugged his niece tightly, and she did the same, scared of what was going to come.
"I-I don't... I don't understand." She was gasping for air at this point. Why would Snape be leaving her? What did he- No, surely not.
"You'll find out soon enough." He pulled her in for one last hug. But then he stepped back, composing himself.
Suddenly, a pale Draco stepped forward, pulling her into a desperate hug. Layla was shocked, confused, scared. To be honest, she was no longer sure, but still, she hugged him back, grasping onto him tightly. She buried her head into the crook of his neck, causing him to sob.
"I didn't want this. And I know that doesn't make it ok. I know I should have fought more. But it's too late now, and I regret it more than anything."
His task... Is that what he was talking about.
In a spur of emotion, Draco let go of Layla and pulled up his sleeve. The bare skin held a snake, one that moved cruelly through his skin. Despite knowing his part in Voldemort's army, she jumped when he exposed the mark. "You see!" He gasped, "this is who I have to be. This is who I've become. Please don't hate me."
Layla shook he head insistently. She knew that wasn't Draco. This was them. She had met a boy who loved and laughed, even though the house he grew up in was cold. A boy, who despite being a brat sometimes, could be one of the sweetest human beings she had met. He wasn't a tattoo.
"No," she said, pushing his arm down, causing his sleeve to fall, covering the mark once again. "Draco, that's just who they made you be. It's just a stupid tattoo anyway. Besides, I already knew." Both Snape and Draco looked at the girl with shook, expecting some rise from her.
"At the end of the year... At that stupid party after you punched Blaise... You- You told me and- Then- Ah." She huffed and looked up to the roof, trying to stop the flow of tears.
"I kissed you..." He whispered. Layla nodded sadly. "I should have told you sooner... It may not have changed anything, but still." The girl looked on with confusion. "And now I have to leave."
Her head shot up. No, she couldn't lose him when she had only just started talking to him again. This wasn't how things were supposed to be.
A few other voices could be heard from a distant corridor, one of them being a cackle. Layla looked over Draco's shoulder, scared of the noise. But Draco held her face gently so that she would be facing him.
"Don't," he muttered. He seemed so passionate yet so solemn as he looked into Layla's eyes. "I have to leave... But there is something I have to tell you, just in case." Layla was sobbing as her body shook, but Draco's hands seemed to hold her together.
"Layla... I- I love you." She looked at the boy she cared for so dearly. How could someone so perfect ever... She stood there shocked, unable to speak. But the voices got louder, Draco and Snape both panicking. "I always have, and you have to know that," pulling her into one last, longing hug.
He let go.
He left.
Layla felt cold without his arms around her. But she was instructed to go back inside, so she did.
Unaware of the happening outside of the room. Her friends remained to play their game in a chirpy matter. But as Layla entered the room, tearful and shaking, they all went silent. Blaise lept up, engulfing Layla in his arms. He had a feeling he knew what had happened.
His heart broke for the girl. He knew just how much she cherished Draco. "Is-" He paused, scared his words would cause the girl to crumble. But he had to e sure. "Is he really gone?" He whispered, thinking maybe lowering his voice would cushion the impact.
Layla nodded and began to sob into Blaise's shoulder. "He- He told me he loved me," she murmured. Blaise also began to cry. He had known long before she even had a clue. He believed he should have told her. But now it was too late.
He was gone.
Numb. The pain was gone. Tears fell silently from Layla's soft cheeks. She had lost her uncle this evening. Her headmaster, who, despite being highly irresponsible. Had helped her through her years at school. Her headmaster had been killed by him. And she never admitted her feeling to the boy who told her he loved her.
Torn. How was Layla supposed to feel? Who was she to be angry at when she could barely work up enough emotion to look mildly upset?
Regret. What if one of the two didn't make it and Draco never finds out?
Layla lifts her wand sadly, watching Harry bent over Dumbledore's body.
But everything was falling apart.
And as the world around her blacked out. Would anyone be there to catch her?
deprived of the power of physical sensation.unable to think, feel, or respond normally.
be in a state of uncertainty between two conflicting options or parties.
a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over an occurrence or something that one has done or failed to do.
(of a person) having given up all hope; despairing.

Little Miss Diggory || A Draco Malfoy Love Story
أدب الهواةDraco - Is this how it feels? To have someone you care for so dearly... leave? I'm not sure. But I know I have to talk to her again. - Layla - How had I come to rely on this boy so much? How had I grown to care and trust him? I'm not sure. But I kno...