Chapter 12

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So Cam and Anastasiya and Angela are Temperance's bridesmaids, and so now all I have to do is pick my best man, and groomsmen.
"Hey Hodgins, have a minute?" I ask the science nerd.
"Yeah, what's up Booth?" Hodgins asks.
"Wanna be my best man? At Bones and mine wedding?" I ask.
"Sure man." He responds, taking his black gloves off. He gives me a man hug and then quickly breaks off.
"Dr Brennan." Hodgins greets.
"Uh, Angela has the possible way the victim was killed." Bones says, with a questioning look on her face.
"Am I interrupting something?" She says slowly.
"Nope, all good here. Just dirt, bugs and slime. Nothing interesting. Let's go see what Ange came up with." Hodgins says, quickly running out the door of his lab room.
"So we know that a few fingers and an eyeball popped up in your toilet," Angela said to Bones and me. "And that he was cut up into little bits. Can found an ID on the victim. Male, 29, worked as a security guard to-" Angela stops.
"For who?" I said.
"The president." Angela mumbles.
"Great. Now it's going to be a national security issue and we are going to have limited jurisdiction on the case." I say.
"Not actually true, cheri. I talked with the head of the FBI, and you squints have full jurisdiction over the case. Have fun." Mrs Julien says walking into the room.
"Thank you." Bones says, tue first to respond as always. "So we go through the entire case as if it is any other case. We don't take any shortcuts, go through any loopholes. We go through the rest of the case as if it was any other case, got it?" Bones says.
"Got it. Now, Bones, lets go talk to the president. Maybe he knows something." I say.
"Okay. Angela, look with Cam for possible murder weapons, Hodgins, try to find anything that could be of use for us, and call or text if you find anything." Bones says to her team.
They all nod in response.
"Come on Bones." I say, taking my fiancée by the arm and pulling her toward my truck.

"Can I drive?" I ask.
"No." Booth says.
"Why?" I whine.
"Because it's my truck, and I always drive." Booth says, holding the passenger door open for me, then walking around to the drivers side.
"Why won't you ever let me drive Booth?" I ask.
"I uh- I like to drive." He stammers.
"I'm a very good driver, but you wouldn't know, you never let me drive." I say, turning to face the window.
Booth pulls over. He gets out and motions for me to do the same.
"What are we doing?" I ask.
"Fine. You can drive." Booth says, defeated.
"Yes! Finally!" I shout, literally jumping out of the car and running around to the drivers side. I get in,and I can't reach the pedals. I laugh and move the seat a bit closer, and more upright.

A/N: sorry for short update, but y'all have been waiting too long. I'll write more, but I've been swamped with school work lately.

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