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A/N: Hey y'all!  This will be the last update, I'm going to try and wrap it up well enough, but I honestly haven't written anything on this story in ages.  I'm sorry for any plot holes or things that seem wrong.  I know it's annoying when people poorly wrap a story up, so I'll do my best to make it complete and no loose ends.  It'll be nice and long, so hopefully things can be wrapped up.  Thanks so, so much for reading, commenting, and liking the story, it means the world to me that all of you have read and loved the story enough to read this far!  xoxo kallie grey 

We spend ages going through databases searching for the person who claimed to be Miss Lewis.  It takes forever but with Angela's expert drawing ability, and Parker's notes of what she looked like, along with the few security camera footage form the exterior of the school, we were able to find a possibility.  It was a woman with long hair, tied up in a ponytail, with a white button up and slacks on, very professionally dressed like any office worker.  They were seen exiting the building maybe half an hour after Cristine was dropped off, which was about an hour before they realized she was missing.  

The cameras got the woman and Cristine getting into an older car, which thanks to traffic cameras, was able to follow them going to a more run-down area of DC.  The cameras lost them after a few miles, since that area was too run down and abandoned for the city to bother putting cameras there.  

"Alright, this is a start.  Let's see what else we can dig up on this Miss Lewis, and I'll keep monitoring security cameras until either Cristine or Miss Lewis show up on them."  Angela says, after scrolling through her big fancy computer.  
"This sucks.  Booth still doesn't know, and all way can do it wait around.  There's nothing."  I say, wiping my eyes from crying.  
"Hey Dr B, we can go work on the bones in limbo, maybe it'll help distract you or help spark an idea of what to do next."  Daisy suggests.  
"That sounds good I guess.  Let's go."  I say, and follow the perky intern into the basement where the bones of those whos deaths are unsolved.  

"Maybe we can talk to some of Cristine's classmates, see if they remember Miss Lewis or anyone else in the classroom."  Daisy says after we've been digitally sorting the remains.  
"That's a good thought, but we'd need Booth or someone with that authority and right to talk to minors without parents present.  I guess it's time to call Booth, he'll be mad that we kept this from him but oh well."  I say, pulling my phone out.  
"Well, we could call Sweets, he could do the same thing and would have a better idea of how to work with kids." Daisy says.  
"That's perfect, I'll call him and have him meet us at Cristine's school in half an hour.  Let's go."  I say, putting the box of bones I was working on back into the cubby.  

"Hey Daisy, Dr B."  Sweets says once we get out of the car at the school.  
"So we go talk to the principle, ask if we can talk to the class and see if they remember anyone else being there for an hour and a half this morning, and go from there.  Sound good?"  I say.  
"Yep.  And you should really-" Sweets began.
"Not until we really need his help."  I say.  

"Hello Miss Crawford, I'm back with a couple friends.  This is Dr Lance Sweets of the FBI, and my assistant, Daisy.  Would it be possible to talk to Cristine's classmates and see if they remember seeing anyone else there this morning?"  
"I can see what I can do.  You may not be able to go up to the classroom, but we can probably have the kids one by one go into the hall to answer a few questions, if that works for you."  Miss Crawford says.  
"That would be great, thank you."  I say.  

We go up and Miss Crawford pulls each kid, one by one, into the hallway to ask a few questions.  Angela and Jack's son, Michael Vincent, is in Cristine's class, and we talk to him for a minute.  

"Yeah, I remember a lady with long hair that wasn't our normal teacher this morning.  She seemed really friendly, and left soon after Cristine got here, and took Cristine with her.  She refused to say anything when the lady asked her for any information besides her name, which she only said Cristine, no last name or anything.  I watched out the window, the lady seemed to be in a rush and I grabbed this."  he said, handing us a leather wallet.  
"You're brilliant, thank you."  I say and give him a hug. 

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