Chapter 9

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I pick up my phone after hanging up with Anastasiya and called my father.
"Dad, would you like to explain how I have a Russian half sister?" I shout into the phone.
"Hold on Temperance. What are you talking about? What half sister? Russian? Wait, your mother was Russian, and she told me she had a miss carriage before you and after your brother but that's all she said. I'm not sure if the fetus was still viable but if it was, that would explain this whole thing." Max said calmly into the phone.
"Dad! How could you NOT tell me something like this?! Something this big I should have been told before you and mom abandoned me and my brother! You should have made mom tell me about this! Who did she have an affair with? Was it some guy who was Russian or was it you and she put the kid up for adoption before any of us could find out?" I yell, not bothering to be quiet since Cristine isn't here.
"Temperance, calm down. Your mother and I had a trusting relationship. I know she wasn't seeing anyone else." Max said.
"But that doesn't explain why Anastasiya has a mass of tangled red hair in ringlet curls that fall almost to her butt! Nobody from either side had red hair, let alone ringlet curls that I know of!" I yell at my father.
"Tempe, when you were a baby, you had reddish hair and curls. You also had these bright, intelligent sapphire blue eyes. Christine, your mother's, great grandmother had those same features. I was shocked to see them on you. Your hair got darker, your eyes turned town, but you still have that pale fair complexion that many redheads and blue eyes have. Is that what this Anastasiya girl looks like?" Max asked.
"Y-yes, Dad. Exactly how you describes me as a baby." I say, flabbergasted.
"Well then, she's not your half sister, but your actual sister. She was 'born' or taken away from us about two weeks before you were conceived. Or maybe you girls were twins but she was adopted by a Russian family who lived in the United States and traveled between here and Russia." Max contemplated out loud.
"Dad, I have to go." I say.
"Anastasiya, how did you find me here?" I say as I hung up the phone.
"Well, I called Dad, Max, and he told me where to find you. I hope that's okay." She said.
"That's fine." I said, studying her features.
Sharp, defined jaw bone, piercing eyes, red curly hair with a hint of brown, and neon blue eyes. She has a slight frame, and long limbs. A bit different from me.
I hear familiar footsteps walking up behind me.
"Bones...?" Booth says. I head my sister let a low whistle out of her mouth.
"Bones, who is this? She looks just like you..." Booth said.
"Seeley, meet my sister, Anastasiya. Anastasiya, meet my FIANCÉE, Special Agent Seeley Booth." I tell my maybe twin sister.
"Nice to meet you, Agent Booth. Your fiancée was just about to give me a tour of the fine facility that she calls home. Weren't you, Temperance?" Anastasiya says.
"Oh yeah. So over here we have the platform where we examine the bodies and next to it we have lab stations where the Squints do some of their work. Over in that corner is the autopsy room, where Dr Camille Saroyan examines the flesh from the bodies, over along that wall is where Dr Jack Hodging and Dr Zach Addi perform most of their wild and crazy experiments, and that office there is Angela's. Angela is the artist who does facial reconstructions of the victims." I tell Anastasiya. Of course, all in Russian, since I'm fluent.
"And where is your office?" Anastasiya asks.
"It's over here. Make yourself at home. There is coffee upstairs on that ledge and I have wifi connection if you want to email or look things up." I tell my sister.
"Oh, thank you so much!" Anastasiya says.
This entire conversation has been happening in Russian, so Booth has this insanely confused look on his face.
I hear someone say my name. I turn and see Cristine running towards me.
"Mommy! Mommy! Guess what Aunt Angela and I did today! Guess Mommy!" Cristine says in her squeaky voice.
"What baby? Did you play with her paints? Watch a cool movie?" I ask her.
"No! We made a mold of a whole skeleton! Then Aunt Angela drew it and she wrote where each bone was and what it was called! It was so cool! Can we frame it and hang it up in my room? Please? Please? Pretty please Mommy?" Cristine begs.
"Of course honey!" I say. " Do you want to show Mommy and Daddy?" I ask her.
"Yeah! And this pretty girl too! Mommy! She looks like you!" Cristine says.
"Well, sweetie pie, that's because I'm your Mommy's sister!" Anastasiya says.
"Anya, I haven't told her yet." I say to my redheaded sister.
She nods in response.
"My Mommy has a sister? Mommy, why didn't you tell me?" Cristine asks.
"Because I didn't know if you wanted to know Auntie Anya or not!" I say, totally BS-ing it.
"Oh. Auntie Anya! Come with Aunt Angela, Daddy, and Mommy to see my poster!" Cristine exclaims.
"Alright!" Anya says. "Hey Tempe, is it okay if I leave my bags in here? Just for now?" Anya asks.
"Of course Anya. Anything for my sistah." I say giving her a wink and turning to follow my two year old.

A/N: I hope y'all liked this update! I think it's longer (idk). But please vote/comment! Thank you for reading! Goodnight everybody!

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