Chapter 17

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"Rory, what's this?" I ask, holding up a thick book that says 'Harvard University' off of her shelf.
"That's the book that says how to get into Harvard. It's the most amazing school ever. It's in Cambridge Massachusetts, and it's a traditional university. Where are your parents looking at?" Rory says.
"Rory, we are in fifth grade. And you're already looking at colleges?" I ask.
"Of course. Never too early!"
"Right. Do you have a phone that I can use?" I ask. I have to call Momma and ask her what college I'm going to.
"Sure. Mom! Can Cristine use the phone?" Rory shouts.
"Sure! It's in the kitchen!" Rory's mom shouts back.
I walk into the yellow kitchen, and take the white phone out of the cradle.
I dial my moms phone number. Three rings and she answers.
"Brennan." She answers.
"Momma, can you come pick me up? I'm feeling a bit sick." I say.
"Of course baby! I'll be there in five minutes. I'm still at Luke's. Hold on." Momma says.
"Thanks Momma." I say and hang up the phone.
"Rory, I'm going to be leaving in five minutes or so. My mom has some work to do on a case back in DC, and I'm helping. Thanks for having me over." I say.
"Anytime, Cristine." Rory says.
I hear a knocking on the door.
"I'll get it." I say.
I open the door and my mom and baby sister are there.
"Cristine, let's go. We have important work to do." Momma says and pulls my arm to get me away from the house that is obsessed with Harvard and college in fifth grade.
"Momma, what college am I going to?" I ask once we get into the car.
"Cristine, what makes you ask that? Was it that Rory and Lorelei?" Momma asks.
"No, it wasn't Lorelei or Rory. Well, actually yes. Rory had his big textbook on how to get into Harvard and then Rory said that she and her mom and grandparents had been planning for her to go to Harvard since she was a baby.". I say.
"Wow, but early to look at colleges, but hey. Whatever works for them.". Momma says.
"But Momma, what college am I going to?" I ask again.
"Tell Rory that you're going to Stanford." Momma says.
"Stanford? Isn't that really far away?" I ask.
"Well, it's in California, but your father wants to be a security guard at some movie studios, and there are some great opportunities for me I expand my job." Momma explains, kind of absentmindedly, considering she was driving. Suddenly we pulled into the parking lot of CVS.
"Momma, what's wrong?" I ask.
"Get out. And bring Monica." Momma says.
"Okay. I'm not going to ask." I say, getting out and going to unbuckle Monica and take her out of the seat.
Momma had her purse with her, and she was speaking quietly on her phone.
I didn't say anything except made sure that Monica didn't wake up and cry.
But if course, what else does she do, wakes up and cries.
"Momma-" I start.
"Not now, Cristine." Momma says.
So I stayed quiet, and held Monica, hoping that she stops crying soon.
I look around to where Momma was looking. There was nobody there. It was a pretty small parking lot, so I don't know where somebody could hide.

I'm on the line with a mysterious caller. I'm looking around as he talks, and see a small black limb sticking out from a bush.
I rush forward and I hear Cristine trying to shush Monica.
"Cristine, stay back. Keep Cristine safe. Stay away from the store." I say, still edging my way toward the limb.

A/N: Sorry to leave y'all off at a cliff hanger! Love y'all!!!

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