Chapter 16

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*So I'm going to skip a few months ahead... if that's okay with everyone!*

I wake up in the morning, thankfully no morning sickness anymore. I guess that's one of the perks of being nine months pregnant.
I get up out of bed and waddle into the kitchen to make some toast and coffee. I feel hands wrap around me as I'm putting non-decaf coffee into the coffee machine.
"Who's that for, Bones? You know you can't have regular coffee. Not good for the baby! Booth said.
"I had regular coffee with Cristine and she turned out just fine Booth." I smirked while turning around to face Booth.
"I know babe, but still." Booth said. "So today, usually would be the day to talk to the victims family, but I don't think that's necessary."
"Thanks Booth. But this is my coffee." I say and grab the coffee cup behind me and take a sip.
I feel the fetus start kicking a lot and then a sharp pain.
"Told you, Bones. Don't drink regular coffee while pregnant." Booth teased.
I still feel the pain, and look at Booth, but he flipped the paper up.
The pain goes away but after fifteen minutes the shark pain came back.
Cristine had just walked into the room and saw something on the floor.
"Momma, there's water in the floor." Cristine says.
I look down and saw the she was right
"BOOTH GET THE CAR!" I holler.
"Is everything alright Bones?" He hollers back.
"No! My water just broke! Get the car! Argh!" I shout as another contraction comes.

*About 17 hours, 13 minutes, and 11 seconds (leave it to Dr B to make it so exact) later, Bones is laying on the bed, with her arms wrapped round a little pink bubble wrapped in a blanket.*

"Booth, can you bring Cristine in here?" I ask.
"Sure sweetie." Booth says.
Booth brings Cristine in.
"Cristine, what do you want her name to be?" I ask the small girl who has climbed onto my bed.
She thinks for a moment.

I think for a moment of names...
Lilly, Claire, Monica, Ellen. The list went in for pages. If I could picture pages in my head. Anyway, I lost these possibilities to Momma, and she looks at Daddy when I say Monica.
"Monica Ellen Brennan Booth." Momma said after I finished listing names.
"Sounds good, Bones. She looks like a Monica." Daddy says. "I'm going to inform a nurse."
Once Daddy leave the room, I snuggle up to Momma.
"Momma, is Monica gonna be able to play with me when we get home?" I ask.
"No baby. She'll be too little. Soon, though. When she's around two, once she can comfortable walk without falling." Momma says.
"Okay." I sigh.
"What's with the sigh, Cristine?" Momma asks.
"Can I go over to my friends house on Sunday? Please?"
"Which friend?"
"Her name is Rory. She just transferred to Hill. I can get her mom's phone number for you." I say, hoping she'll say yes.
"If you get Rory's moms phone number, before Wednesday, we can get ice cream and you can go to Rory's house. As long as her mom is okay with it too." Momma says.
"Thank you Momma!" I say and give her a gentle hug.

Rory and Cristine's playdate
"Hi Cristine! Hi Mrs Booth! I'm Lorelei Gilmore, Rory's mother. Would you like a cup of coffee?" I offer the woman standing there with a baby in a car seat and Cristine standing beside her.
"Yes please. Thank you Mrs Gilmore."
"Oh please, call me Lorelai." I say.
"Oh, well Lorelai, Temperance or Bones would work for me." Bones says.
"Well Temperance, coffee, and then if you need to go somewhere, I'll be here with the girls." I offer.
"Thank you. Coffee, and then maybe I'll take a walk around your little town. Stars Hollow, is that right?" Bones says.
"Yeah. Quaint little town."

" So I hear Rory has just transferred to Hill High prep school. How is she liking it there?" Bones says.

"Well enough. She went to public school before this. We're glad she got in. I hear it's a highly competitive elementary school to get into." I say.
"Yes, well when you're a child prodigy, and your mother works for the Jeffersonian Institution, and your father is an FBI special agent, nothing is really that difficult." Bones says.
"Are you talking about Cristine?" I ask.
"Yes, of course. I was in the system when I was younger, after my parents and brother abandoned me. I hated public school. I got bullied and spent most of my time in the library, reading or in the science biology lab rooms dissecting animals for extra credit." Temperance says, turning her attention to her coffee. "I think I'll stop by Luke's cafe for a cup of coffee. Is Luke's good?"
"Yes, Luke is a good friend of mine. Just tell him I sent you and he'll probably give it to you on the house." I say.
"Well, thank you." She says. "Cristine, you call when you want me to pick you up, okay baby?"
"Yes Momma. See you later!" Cristine says.
"Nice to meet you, Temperance!" I say.
"Likewise, Lorelai."

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