Chapter 18

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A/N: So my English novel is done! *claps*. Now I can update more often! Sorry about the cliff hanger from chapter 17, but it's going to be fixed soon!

The small black limb pokes out from behind the bush.
"Cristine stay back and away from the building." I instruct my young daughter, who is holding her sister.
I inch toward the limb.
"Hello, is someone there?" I ask.
I hear a groan and something flipping. The arm disappears. Well, I'm assuming it's an arm, since it was too narrow to be a leg.
I pull out my phone, as I hang up with the person a few moments ago.
~~~booth. need backup at cvs near 3rd and Jeffersonian. Pls come fast~~~
I seriously hope he comes soon.

I hear a car pull up behind me.
"Cristine, some here. Slowly and quietly. Here, put Monica in the car seat." Booth says. I know it's him, because I know the sound of both his car and his voice.
I hear Cristine walking carefully but quickly to the car with Monica.
"No not baby. Now is time to be super quiet. Get int he car." Booth says.
I walk overt to the bush and see a man kneeling and trying to push a dead body over the side of the parking lot into the river below.
"Stop, hands where I can see them!" I should with my gun pointing at the man.
He turns around.

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