23: The First Day

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Brennan's POV

"Parker!  Time to get up!" Booth says as he walks into Parkers room.
I walk into Cristine's room and wake her but I let Monica sleep until Parker is on the way to school and Cristine is fed.
We rush to get ready and Booth makes pancakes for Parker and Cristine before school.
"Parker, is it okay if you drop Cristine off at her school?  It's on the way for you. It's the same street, just a side field in between." I ask.
"Sure Mom. I'll make sure she gets into the building."  Parker says as he quickly eats his pancakes and goes off to brush his teeth.
"Cristine, you better finish soon so that Parker and you can walk together. Have a couple more bites then go brush your teeth, okay?"

"Yes Mommy!"  Cristine says as she runs to the bathroom to brush her teeth. 

"Parker, you almost ready?"  Booth asks from down the hall.

"Yeah Dad!  I'm just getting my shoes!"  Parker says back. 

Booth walks into the kitchen where I am, packing Parker and Cristine lunches.  I put a sandwich in each bag, some snackies snack sized bags and pack up Parker and Cristine's lunches.

"Parker! Cristine! Time to go, kids!" I say as they go they both come running into the kitchen area. They grab their backpacks and lunches and run out the door after giving me and Booth hugs and kisses.

I go over to Monica's room, and get her ready for the day. I pull out her little jumpsuit, a pair of tights, a light sweater and a pair of sneakers.
I get her dressed and fed, then Booth and I head out to work.

A/N: I'm so sorry that this is such a short update! I've been swamped with school work! Thanks for being so patient! I promise to have a nice, long update for y'all sometime after my finals (which end June 17th), so expect a nice long, 2,000 word chapter update!

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