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I drop Bones off at the lab and I go back home to get Parker's room all set up for him when he comes later this afternoon.

I put the remote control car that we built together on top of the dresser, I lay out some of the posters from the old house that Parker left, and I take out the new navy blue comforter that I got him the other and spread it across the bed.

I go grocery shopping to pick up some of the essential things like milk, cheese, and those absurdly expensive organic baby wipes Bones insists that we get for Monica.

I look at the cat clock on the wall and it reads 11:45. I jump up and get Monica and Cristine.

"Cristine! Get your shoes on! We have to go pick up Mommy and then go tot he airport!" I say to Cristine, who was drawing a picture with crayons.

I grab Monica and put her into the car seat and carry her out to the car. I run back inside, not wanting to leave Monica int he car for too long, and I grab shoes for Cristine and I pick her up and we run to the car.

"Cristine, put your shoes on now, sweetie." I say, as I buckle her into the booster seat.

"Bones, I'm driving over now to pick you up, then we have to go pick up Parker." I say into my phone as I drive to the lab.

"Alright. I'll just tell Mr Brea to finish the skull reconstruction. I'll be outside in a minute. Love you Booth."

"Okay, love you too Bones." I say and I hang up.

I pull up in front of the lab and Bones comes running out.

"All set?" She asks as she climbs into the car.

"Yup! Now we have 10 minutes to get to the airport!" I say, and I switch on the light and the siren, which the kids love, and we race our way through bad traffic to the airport.

We race to the airport with the lights on to make sure to pick up Parker on time.
We pull up to the curb just as his plane is supposed to be landing. I get out with Cristine and Monica. Booth stays in the car so if he has to move he can.
We wait for a few minutes and Cristine suddenly lights up.
"Parker!"  She yells in the busy lobby area.
A boy with sandy coloured curly hair comes running towards us. He picks Cristine up in a big hug and twirls her around.
He gives me a big hug too, after I put Monica's baby carrier down.
"Hey Bones!  Thanks so much for arranging all this. I just really don't like my other moms new boyfriend, well fiancé. He seems like a jerk."  Parker says as he squats down to see Monica.
"Hi cutie, I'm your big brother, Parker.  When you get bigger and in high school, I'll always be here to protect you from those idiots. You won't get hurt on my watch. That's a promise. Cristine, that goes for you too, okay?  If you ever have a trouble with a guy, tell me and I will hurt him."  Parker says and gives Monica a kiss on the forehead and picks up Cristine and she sits on his hip, happy as a hog in a mud puddle.
I grab his other suitcase and we walk outside.
"So, where's Dad?  I haven't seen him in forever." Parker says as we wait for Booth to pull around.
"He's pulling the car around. He's been so excited for you to come. It's all he's been talking about since yesterday. He loves you so much, Parker."  I say.
"Do I still have my room or did Cristine take it?"  He asks.
"Actually, we moved because our old house got shot up. I made sure that you had your own room, for whenever you visited it came to live with us. Cristine has her own room too, and we changed the guest room into a nursery for Monica."  I explain.
"Awesome. Does Cristine still have that mobile that I made her?" 
"Yes, she loves it. We should make another one for Monica so she knows her big brother will always be there for her."  I suggest.
"Yeah!  That would be fun!  I can add to Cristine's too!"  Parker says enthusiastically, as we get into the car.
"Dad!"  Parker says.
"Parker!"  Booth says.
"I've missed you, Dad!" 
"I've missed you too, so much Park!  It's been fun, but lonely, being the only guy in three women!" Booth says.
Me and Cristine laugh. I smile as Parked and Booth talk and catch up, watching the dynamic between father and son.
Booth is so good with kids. Kids of all ages, babies like Monica and Cristine, and kids older, like Parker.
I haven't seen Booth this animated for a few months. Since Monica was born and before that when Cristine was born. He's just so proud of his kids and me. I'm proud of him, and his dedication to our family, and his work, and maintaining relationships. I've never been good at that, but that's why Booth and I were attracted to each other all those years ago. Opposites attract, I guess.
We get home in what feels like seconds and we get Parker all settled in, and let him get aquatinted into the new house.
When Booth was in prison, I built a house a decorated it. I had it built so that the two kids had a room, and a guest room. But then we had Monica, and that became the guest room. I guess we'll have to do an addition soon. Maybe make it an office, or work out room.
I get all set up with my computer and I enroll Parker in the best private middle school right down the street, with an amazing STEM program, and arts.
The best thing about the school, is that it's in the way to the labs it'll be an easy pick up and drop off or an easy bike ride if he wants to bike. It's also close enough and in a nice enough neighborhood that he can walk if it's nice out.
"Hey Bones?" Parker asks.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"Can I call you mom?"
"Of course, Parker. You don't have to ask. Cristine and Monica are your sisters, and I'm married to your dad, so of course, Parker!"  I say gently.
He grins and comes over and gives me a hug.
"I can ask your dad if I can adopt you, so you'll be one of my kids and I can actually and legally be your mom."  I suggest.
"Really?  You'd do that?"  Parker says.
"Of course, if Daddy agrees to it." 
"If I agree to what?" Booth says, walking into the room.
"I just told Parker I could ask you if I could adopt him so I can be his legal mom."  I explain.
"Buddy, of course!  What would I  say no to that?  Bones is basically your mom, anyways."  Booth says.
"Oh by the way... I enrolled you in a school right down the street.  It's that Montessori school. It's got amazing academics and extracurriculars. Sound good?" 
"What?   That's awesome!  Thanks Mom, Dad!"  Parker says and gives us hugs.
Booth looks at me. I nod.
"Okay, school starts next Monday. We've got a few days, then it's winter break, so you'll enter after the break." I say. Break is still three weeks away, but I have 2 more weeks, technically, with Monica, so I can still take some time off to be home.

I follow Booth into the other room.
"You put him into a rich school, and didn't consult me?" Booth says.
"I thought you wanted the best for him. And this school is the best in this DC area for 30 miles, in terms of middle schools.  And he seems happy about it. Booth, if it's the price you're worried about, don't worry. After my second book release, I was told I wouldn't ever have to work again. Then I got romantically involved with you and then I met Parker, we had Cristine, and babies are expensive. Then we had Monica, and so this just makes sense to give him the best of what DC has to offer. And if that option happens to be an expensive school but with the best education and academics within a 30 mile radius, the that's what I'm going to do for our kids."  I say.
Booth just nods and accepts that.
"Okay. Just give me a little heads up before you do something like this again."  Booth says. I nod and I give him a kiss.
It was supposed to be something small, but Booth quickly deepened it.  We stumbled into our room, locked the door and let things happen.
Hopefully Parker was watching Cristine and Monica so they don't  get into trouble and make a mess everywhere.

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