Coming Home

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So I stated in the hospital for three days while the doctors waited for my fever to drop. I ate a lot of jello and chocolate milk. I know Momma would have a fit if she knew that I was having jello everyday for lunch.
At home, I listened to a lot of Momma's old recordings of victims and read a lot of books.
"Momma, can I come to work with you sometime?"
"Sure. Want to go in now? Daddy and I have a case and the team is just working in de-coding everything. I can show you a set of bones. I'll give you a science lesson." Momma said.
"Yay! Can you show me how to make a mild of the bones so I can take them home to study?" I ask.
"Of course. I can have my current squintern get all the materials and study the real set of remains while I show you. This is so fun." Momma says to me.
I grab my coat from the chair and pull it on, and run outside to the Toyota suv that Daddy has got work. Momma got into the drivers seat while I climbed into the backseat.

I turn the radio onto a science station that Cristine and I both love. Booth hates it, but I don't know why. It's educational, rational and entertaining.
"Momma, when are you going to have the baby?" Cristine asks.
That throws me off. I'm literally barely showing, like hardly.
"Well, in about 5 months, the fetus will want to meet you, me and Daddy." I explain while driving.
"And when are you and daddy getting married? And can I be in it?" Cristine asks.
"Of course baby! Didn't I tell you that you were the flower girl?" I tell me daughter as I stop at a red light.
"No you didn't Momma! I'm excited!" Cristine says.
"Well, as well as Daddy and I getting married, your going to have a new baby sister!" I say. I went to the OB's yesterday while Booth was doing paperwork and Cristine was at school.
"A baby sister? Yay! What's her name goinna be?" Cristine asks.
"Well, Daddy and I were going to let you decide that. What do you think?" I ask my little girl.
"Oh my gods, really?" Cristine asks.
"Yeah. Of course!" I say.
I look in my rear view mirror at Cristine in her car seat as the light turns green, and she had this very pensive look on her little face and it looks super cute.
I look over at my phone and I see it's a call from Booth.
"Brennan." I say.
"Bones, you have to get here soon. The squinterns are blurring scientific blabber at me.". Booth days.
"I'm not familiar with blabber, but I will be there soon babe. Give me 17 minutes." I say.
"17? Why so- nevermind." Booth says.
"What? What's nevermind about me, Booth?" I say while pulling into the garage at the Jeffersonian.
"When are you going to be here?" Booth asks.
"I'm pulling in the garage now, but I need to get Cristine a mini box of gloves. But I suppose she could just wear small. Okay, that should be fine. Booth, we'll be there soon." I promise my fiancée.
I pull into the spot that I rent from the Jeffersonian and get out of the car and wait for Cristine to get out.
"Cristine, Daddy's waiting for us. Please hurry up, baby." I tell Cristine.
"Sorry Momma! Coming!" Cristine says as I open the door for her to get out.
We walk up to the Jeffersonian. I still marvel at the beauty of the building, with its historical elements but our lab is the most advanced facility that I've ever worked in.
I start walking again into the lab.
"Booth, what was so urgent that I didn't have time to drop Cristine off at the daycare?" I almost yell at Booth.
"We have an ID and location of residence of the victim." Booth says.
"And you couldn't have told me over the phone because... why?" I ask.
Booth doesn't say anything for a while.
"Follow me." Booth finally says.
I follow him into Angela's office where Angels had the ID of the victim.
ID: Max Keanen
RESIDENCE: Washington, DC
STATUS: Reported missing 2 weeks ago from county prison.
I see the screen and then I don't remember anything else.

I hear beeping at a constant rate and can smell the sterile environment of a hospital. I feel a warm something around my left hand. I force my eyelids to flutter open.
"Booth?" I whisper.
"Bones?" Booth jumped.
"What happened?" I asked.
"You passed out from dehydration after you saw it was Max who was our victim. I'm so sorry honey." Booth says.
I only nod. "Where's Cristine?"
"With Angela and Hodgins." Booth says.
I wish she was here. "How long was I out?"
Booth had s worried look on his face. "Three days." He finally said.
"And the baby?" I ask.
Booth didn't say anything for a long time. "The doctors didn't say anything about that yet. I should go tell them you're awake." Booth said and turned to leave.
"Booth, wait. Come here." I said, smiling.
"What, are you okay?" Booth asks hurrying to my side.
I grabbed his hand and placed it on my slightly swollen pregnant stomach.
"Feel it Booth?" I ask.
His face lit up and his smile grew larger.
"We still have the baby. I love you Bones." Booth said.
"I love you too Booth. And this little girl we're having." I said.
"Wait, it's a girl? When did you find out?" Booth shoots.
"Yesterday while you were at the office." I state. "I didn't think you would want to go, it took ten minutes.". I said.
"Bones, really? I missed being there for Cristine's, and now you leave me out of this one too?" Booth said.
I smile. "I have an idea. Booth, can you get a nurse in here?" I ask.
"Are you okay?" Booth said, suddenly worried.
"I'm fine. Just get a nurse." I said.
"Okay...?" Booth says, and walks out of my room to find a nurse.
A few minutes he comes back with a person behind him.
"Are you a nurse?" I ask the girl. She looked like she was still a teenager.
"Yes ma'am. I am going to nursing school right now. I'm a student. What do you need help with ma'am?" The girl says.
"Come here, please." I say.
I whisper my plan into her ear and she looks at booth and immediately runs out of the room and returns with the scan thingy cart.

A/N: I don't know the actual name for the cart thing for the scan things. Back to Dr B's plan. 😄

The young nursing student plops the cold gel onto my stomach and places the wand on the lower part of my little baby bump.
The monitor crackles to life as the image of the little fetus is illuminated on the screen.

Looking at the monitor, I reach for Booth's hand, but it's not there. I look over at him, and see that his hands are over his mouth, in disbelief. He looks so happy. I turn my attention back to the monitor.

"Nurse- What's your name?" I ask the girl.

"Sorry, I'm nurse Amy. Would you like a disc copy of this, ma'am?" Amy asks.

"Thanks Amy. Oh, and we're friends here. I'm Dr Temperance Brennan, of the Jeffersonian. But call me Bones. I work with Bones all day, it's nice to talk to people for a while, after trying to get innanimet objects to talk to you." I say.

"I'm glad, Dr- Bones." Amy says, smiling.

*Later that night after being discharged from hospital*

"Bones, I'm so sorry the victim was Max, but we have to figure out why his remains were thrown into a sewer that led to our house. There aren't any prisons nearby, no other places for criminals to go, and no safehouses." Booth says.

"I have no clue, Booth. But I'm tired. Can I go to sleep? Can you put Cristine to bed please babe?" I ask sweetly, almost asleep.

"Sure sweetie. Of course. I'll be back in about five minutes." Booth says while walking out of the room.

Booth comes back to bed after around ten minutes after tucking Cristine into bed.

We have a restful night's sleep, and got up only to have another unexpeted day.

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