Chapter 1- Umm, Isn't That Impossible?

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Sophie's POV.

Hello! How are you? Good? Well I'm about to die! Okay, not really, I could easily save myself, but I had to put on a good show for the people watching me. (Translation: I had to pretend that I was a helpless little girl for the next few moments. And I didn't like it.)

I was running from this...this thing. It had the wings of a bat. There were talons instead of hands, and it's fangs... let's just say it creeped me out.

By the way, it reminded me of a mythomagic card I once saw. And yes, I liked a card game. Do you have anything against that? Also, I'm only about two years old, so I think that I can have a card game I like. Well, I think I'm two. I don't really know. I just remember being kicked out of my... home. And that I look fourteen. Or do I look fifteen?

The hiss of the monster brought back to reality. I turned around and stifled a scream. The thing was almost on top of me. Whelp, goodbye world.

Then, this guy just came straight up to the monster and punched it! Last time I checked the deserted alley, no one was here. That's why it's called deserted.

When the guy faced me, I saw something like a sea green color glint. The guy had black hair and a Mediterranean complexion. He looked about eighteen. He waved. I cautiously waved back. He smiled.

"Watch out!" Someone yelled.

I quickly turned to see who it was. It was a girl with sandy blonde hair, tanned skin, and startling grey eyes. In one hand she was holding... was that a freaking dagger!?!?

I took a deep breath. Sure. Yeah, why not? Why not have a dagger? I let out a maniacal laugh. Okay. Wait, no. No way. This can't be happening.

Why not though? A part of me thought.

Because it just can't. I argued back. But I knew that it was true.

I didn't have time to contemplate it because I blacked out. (I had to make sure anyone that could read minds wouldn't be suspicious)

Percy's POV.

Annabeth and I were on a date. We were walking through the streets of New York City. It was our fall break in college, so we were visiting Camp Half- Blood and my mom.We saw some dryads and talked to them for a while. One of them brought up a girl.

"What do you mean, "girl"?" Annabeth asked.

"Well, we see this girl running around here all of the time. She's been out here on the streets for maybe two years. She looked about fifteen now." The dryad explained.

I was shocked. A young woman put on the streets? That's horrible!

"When's the last time you've seen her? I want to help her." I said.

The dryad pointed toward an alley. I ran to it with Annabeth on my heels.

What I saw wasn't normal even for us demigods.

It was a girl being targeted by... was that a Fury?!?! The girl held a stick. From what I could tell from where I was now, she had light brown hair and olive skin.

As Fury was about to be on top of her, I punched her in the face.

I know, I know. I should've used Riptide and finished her off. But I was emotional, okay?

Alecto screeched. And yes, I knew that it was Alecto by now. She was the only Fury that could look that ugly.

"Hey, Alecto! How have you been in the underworld?" I asked.

I failed to notice Annabeth holding the little girl in her arms. She had passed out, so I still couldn't see the color of her eyes.

"I was doing great, until this little... pest... decided to defy death." She hissed, apparently taking my question seriously. Then what she said hit me.

"Wait, what??!?! This girl... defied death? Not to call you on a lie or anything, but, umm, isn't that impossible?" I wondered out loud.

Alecto smirked. "Not for a demigod of that power." She rasped.

I felt my eyes go wide. "You don't mean..."

Alecto shook her head. "No, she is not a child of the Big Three. She is very powerful, though." She explained, somehow forgetting about their past tension. "I wouldn't underestimate her."

I nodded. Then she exploded in a blast of flames. I turned to my girlfriend who was still holding the girl in her arms. But she was awake now.

And as soon as I saw her golden, blue, green, and white eyes, I knew that she was powerful. Really powerful.

A/N: Okay, um, this took longer than expected to write. Uh, I'd love if you could comment constructive criticism, since this is my first story. Also, sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, I haven't edited this. 

Word Count: 795 

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