Chapter 6- Murder.

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Leo's POV.

I was working in Bunker 9 when I heard a huge SPLASH!

I ran outside and found a demigod- wait, WAS THAT ANNABETH?!?!?!?!?!

I got back to Bunker 9 and grabbed the megaphone.

"PERCY!!!!!! PERCY, COME TO BUNKER 9!!!!!!" I screamed.

A few seconds later, he came running. His face dripped with sweat.

"What is it? Are we under an attack?" He questioned.

I just shook my head and glanced at the limp form of Annabeth.

Percy followed my gaze and gasped as he scrambled toward her. When he looked up, his eyes were watery. But they were also furious.

I backed away from him slowly. "Hey, Percy. I didn't do it! I found her here and call-"

"Stop." He cut me off. "Gather all of the head councillors. We are meeting in the big house."

Nico's POV.

I've got to admit, I was scared. I've never seen Percy as furious as he was now. It was terrifying.

All of the head councillors had come to the big house to find Annabeth in the infirmary, barely alive, and an uncontrollable Percy overcome with rage.

"What happened?!" Piper cried as she ran to Annabeth's side.

Everyone else looked at Percy. He shook his head.

"I have no idea. Leo called me over when he found her. Annabeth should be able to tell us when she wakes up."

I leaned on the nearest thing- which just so happened to be Will- for support. I could feel the death radiating off Annabeth's body.

"She won't wake up."

It took me a second to realize that I said that.

"What do you mean she won't wake up?!" Everyone roared.

But Pery was the loudest. He walked up to me and grasped me by my shirt.

"What. Do. You. Mean. She. Won't. Wake. Up?" He quietly asked.

I gulped. When Percy was quiet and supposedly calm is when you had to be wary of him.

"I can feel the death coming off her body."

He let go and staggered back. Then it hit me. Annabeth's death.

I let out a scream. I hate it when people see me when someone I'm close to dies. I feel whoever is dying's pain. I felt it when Bianca got crushed, I felt it as Jason got stabbed. And I was feeling it now; the pain of all of your bones broken from a fifty foot fall. And- wait, was that the feeling of... betrayal?

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU BETRAYED ME!!!!!" I screamed out.

I could imagine it. No- I was in it.

I saw Sophie sitting next to me, saying, "I bet it can." But then she jumped on my Pegasus and whispered.

"And I'm right."

Then she pushed me off.

I gasped for air as I started up from my position on a cot. Hold up, when did I get in a cot?

"Oh, thank the gods." I heard Will say before I was crushed in a hug.

I gingerly detached myself from my overprotective boyfriend and put my head in my hands.

"Will... you have no idea what I saw... S- Sophie... she killed... she killed Annabeth." I sobbed out.

It wasn't like me to show much emotion- especially not sadness- so to say Will was surprised was like saying the gods/ goddesses were nice.

And the gods/ goddesses definitely were not that.

"She was my friend, Will... My friend... and she murdered... and she murdered Annabeth."

My body racked with sobs as I remembered everything. When I met Sophie down in Tartarus and she kept me alive, when she came here and erased Percy's memory because she used her Egyptian powers, and then... wait, what was that?! A fragment of a memory came floating towards me and I saw a girl of no more than twelve single handedly defeating Gaia. A thirteen year old guiding Apollo through the Grove of Dodona, the same one killing all three Emperors... and destroying Python easily.

After I had these visions I realized something:

That girl had won all of the demigod's wars for them... and that the same girl killed Annabeth.

A/N: Weird question but who the actual heck reads this sort of crap?

Word Count: 673

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