Chapter 12- Talks and Plans

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Sophie's POV.

I was shocked. Not about the boy part, but about the fact that Talako was having a makeout session. It just didn't make sense. He was always the innocent little brother to me, and to think he-

"I tried telling you." Nyx told me with a smile on her face, obviously seeing how uncomfortable I was.

"Yeah, sorry. I probably should've listened to you. But who was that other boy? I've never seen him before." I asked.

"Oh, you must mean Brian. He's a mortal, but he can see through the mist. Talako's been dating him for about 3 months now." She answered.

I whistled. Damn, 3 months is like 3 years to Talako. He must really love Brian.

"So... what are we doing with the demigods?" I questioned. It's not like we didn't have the space to keep them here, but I didn't want to have to deal with demigods everyday;even if they're nice. I just don't have the patience for that.

"Well, I think that we should just wipe their memory and drop them off back at Camp Half-Blood." Loki suggested as he walked into the room.

I raised an eyebrow. "Not a bad idea, but what about the rest of the campers? Won't they think somethings off?"

He shrugged. "I don't know if they're smart enough to tell the difference."

I sighed. "Look, Loki, they might not be the brightest of the stars, but they aren't completely stupid. If we just erase their memories and drop them off, the others are bound to know. Especially Chiron."

"Maybe." Seth stepped in. "Or maybe not. You never really know."

Nyx laughed. "If it's anything to do with the gods then you're correct."

I bit my lip. Most of the options we had involved wiping their memory anyways, so it wouldn't travel far from what Loki had said. Then an idea came to mind.

"What if we erase everyone's memories, and not just the people here? Or if not erasing them completely, maybe altering them to where I wasn't at fault for anything and Annabeth and Thalia's death were accidents."

Everyone's eyes turned to stare at me.

"Not bad Sophie, not bad." Saturn praised as he teleported to where we were. "But can you even alter an immortal's memory?"

I smirked. "That's where I come in."

"Uh, Sophie?" Talako's voice was heard from the other side of the room. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." I replied as I headed to him. "Continue planning without me."

Talako sat down on one of the couches and motioned for me to as well.

"Is this about me walking in on you? Because if it is I'm good with it-"

"No, well it kinda is, but no." He cut me off. "It's about my boyfriend, Brian. I'd like to introduce you to him and well, you know..."

"Oh, cool. And don't worry, I'm not like those over-protective siblings that forbade you from doing anything. Just keep away from alcohol, drugs, and sex, you're still only two." I ranted.

"Well, technically, I'm physically fourteen." Talako interrupted.

I rolled my eyes. "And I'm physically fifteen. But do you see me going around having sex and drinking? No! No you don't. So I don't want to see you doing any of that stuff either." I paused. "I mean, with anyone that you don't know really well, of course."

Talako grinned. "There's the Sophie I know!"

"Uh, babe? Is this your big sister?" The boy I assume is Brian said as he walked in. He now had glasses with black frames sitting on his face.

Talako jumped up. "Brian! Yeah, this is my big sis, Sophie!"

"Nice to meet you." I greeted as I held my hand out for him to shake. He shook it cautiously, as if he were scared of something.

"Well, as you heard, I'm Brian. Talako's boyfriend." He emphasised the word boyfriend, as if he was making sure I got the message.

I smiled. "Of course. I'm happy for you." My eyes darkened slightly. "But if you break his heart even a little bit, I'm breaking your neck."

He gulped. "Y-yes ma'am."

"Sophie! No threatening my boyfriend!" Talako scolded, gently grabbing Brian's hand out of my now tight grasp.

"Fine." I relented after a moment. "I meant what I said, though."

"Sure you did." Talako said, rolling his eyes.

I let it go and started to make actual conversation with Brian. "So, what got you interested in my little brother?"

"Well, umm, you see, I kind of found him being chased by a monster with snake legs instead of feet, so I ran to him and tried to help him." Brian answered shyly.

I nodded. Dracaenae. Talako easily could've handled it if he was at full power, but maybe he had just been in a draining fight.

"By the way, are you a demigod or whatever like Talako?"

I lurched forward, then glanced at Talako. "What. Did. You. Tell. Him?"

He scratched the back of his head, sheepishly. "Uh, I might have told him all about monsters, demigods, titans, primordials, and gods..."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. It didn't work.


Nico's POV.

Once I heard the shouting, I knew that someone was going to get incredibly injured or maybe even killed. It didn't matter how, it just mattered who.

"I vote for Reyna to deal with the angry Sophie!" Piper said to us, earning a glare from Reyna.

I burst out laughing at the sight. This might not be so bad.

Talako's POV.

Yeah, I was about to die. Literally or not, there was no doubt. I was already dead.

Brian's POV.

"Hey, don't blame it on Talako! If you're going to be blaming anyone it should be me. I was the one who asked about all of the stuff anyways." I covered for Talako.

In all honesty, I was the one who asked about it, but he didn't have to tell me.

"You know what? I don't even-I don't even care anymore! Just- try not to die." Was all that Sophie said before she walked out.

"Umm, well, that was weird." Talako laughed.

"What do you expect? There are monsters and gods, nothing's exactly going to be 'normal'." He answered. 

A/N: Wow. Just- wow. Anyways, thanks for the 44 views and the 12 votes. I really appreciate it!

Word Count: 1018

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