Chapter 3- Nico di Angelo

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Sophie's POV.

Percy showed me the grounds. As we walked, he talked about some people he knew. When he said the name Nico di Angelo, I stopped cold.

"No. No, no, no!" I murmured.

Percy stared at me. "You know Nico?" He asked, concern laced in his voice. I nodded, my face pale.

I knew that I couldn't tell Percy that I saw him when we were in Tartarus. And yes, I have been into Tartarus. I was thrown in there five months after I was kicked out of my home. I found Nico down there. He was with a titan, Bob. We became quick friends, even if he was two years older than me. I couldn't let him sell me out. Even if it was an accident. I took a deep breath.

"Can you take me to him?" I wondered out loud. He nodded.

"Sure." was his reply.

We walked to the sword arena to find Nico sparring against a skeleton- no, wait. He was fighting against ten. And he was winning.

After all of the skeletons had disintegrated, I walked right up to him and, on my tiptoes (Yes, I had to stand on my tiptoes to reach Nico), whispered in his ear,

"Don't tell them that it's me."

He gave a small sound of surprise, then realizing that it was me, relaxed.

"You are good at keeping secrets, right?" I asked, mocking him.

He realized it, and flipped me to the ground, his hand holding my wrist. He smirked. "Don't push me, Sophie." He quietly warned me.

I barked out a laugh. "Actually, I should be the one saying that. After all, you know who I really am." I reminded him in the same tone. He visibly paled and abruptly got up, holding out a hand for me. I took it.

"WhAt ThE hEcK, YoU dIdN't TeLl Me YoU kNeW abOuT aNoThEr DeMiGoD!!!" Percy half screamed.

My head whipped around and before I knew it, I had a staff in one hand and a Greek sword in the other. The Greek sword was at his throat. Then I noticed that it was Percy, and I swore in Mandarin (I could've swore in Latin, Italian, Greek, Latin, French, or Spanish, but I didn't want anyone who might be able to speak those languages to know what I was saying.).

I instantly sent my weapons back to where I store them, aka, the Duat.

Percy gawked at me.

"Wh- what the fu- fudge did I just see?" He stuttered.

I scowled. I shouldn't have assumed that it was a monster. The Golden Fleece made sure of that. I couldn't have been stupider.

I felt Nico's hand on my shoulder. "You didn't."

I understood immediately. I grinned. I quickly grabbed Percy's hand and felt his powers surge into me. "LETHE! MAY I USE SOME OFF YOUR WATERS?" I shouted.

For a second, nothing happened. But then, a single drop of the river Lethes water floated towards me. I smirked.

"Thank you."

I used Percy's power over water to cut the droplet into hundredths of the single one. Then I pulled my hand back, and sent the tiny drop towards him. His eyes rolled up in his head. Next thing you know, he's up on his feet again watching Nico and I converse.

"I forgot that you know who I really am." I whispered to Nico. He shook his head.

"I don't, I can just feel your aura... it's really powerful. Also, I feel like I know you, but I can't find any information about you in my mind."

I laugh. "Maybe that's because of that spell I put on all of you."

I closed my mouth, determined not to give out any information as Nico's jaw was already on the floor.

Truth is, when the giants put Nico in that jar, I was the one who had helped him stay alive. He had only ten pomegranate seeds, so I was the one who teleported him eleven more. But I couldn't let them know that. I can't let them know that I was the reason they won both wars.

Nico's POV.

What the heck just happened? Did Sophie just admit that she had something to do with the Giant War? Did she just say that she helped me when I was in that jar too? Wait, where the Styx is she?!

Sophie was gone. She just got up and left! Agh.

"Umm, where is Sophie? And what the Hades am I doing here?" A voice asked from behind me.

I started before I recognized it as Percy. I shook my head at my foolishness in forgetting about him.

"Oh, hey Perce. You're awake now. And to answer your two questions, you're here with me because you were showing Sophie around and got knocked out after she accidentally threw a rock at your head. And I have no idea where Sophie has run off to." I explained, my head shaking with exasperation.

"Oh, okay." Percy replied.

He stood up, brushed himself off, and headed for his cabin (Cabin 3).

I stayed where I was for a second before resuming my sparring with ten skeletons.

A/N: You know what? Frick the schedule- I'm uploading twice a week.

Word Count: 856

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