Chapter 8- New Mission

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??? POV.

I slammed my fist on the table.


Nyx tried to calm me down. "Saturn, she just became a little sloppy, that's all."

I clenched my hand. "Fine. I'll let it slide. Sophie is my favorite non- immortal being. Other than her little brother Talako, of course."

Loki smirked. "That girl did good. She manipulated them all until that good for nothing god Apollo had to step in. Sophie's pretty clever."

I had to nod in agreement. Loki was right. Sophie was very clever, and she could carry out whatever needed to be done easily with that resilience. The only flaw that she had, was the flaw of falling in love. But that hasn't happened yet, so we are hopeful that it never will.

Besides, most of the people that she might be attracted to have other people. That di Angelo kid for example. He's gay, right? And -what's her name?- Sadie has that Walt guy. And yes, Sophie doesn't like any one gender. She is attracted to everything from Nymphs and Dryads, to regular mortals.

"SATURN!" I heard Seth snap. "Get out of your own damn world."

I shook my head to clear it and sighed. "You know I can't help it. I actually worry about Sophie and Talako, unlike some people."

Loki laughed. "If those "some people" are the gods, then you just won the lottery Saturn."

I growled at him and looked into the crystal ball that showed us Sophie. Right now, she was talking to Talako, catching up on what has happened the last day or so she's been gone. Which, to be honest, is a lot.

We had gotten a call from one of our clients demanding that Sophie kill someone else. We told them that they had to wait, and that she would be available in two days. Talako is also probably telling her about that new mission. The last one was obviously to kill Annabeth Chase. This one though, was to kill a certain daughter of Zeus;

Thalia Grace.

Sophie's POV.

Talako had been telling me about my new mission. It was to kill Thalia Grace, a Lieutenant of the hunters of Artemis. She won't be an easy kill since she has partial immortality. But then again, when has that stopped me?

The answer is never.

I got up at 3 am to leave. I didn't wake Talako. I wrote down a note and left it by his side. It said:

Dear Talako,

I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye to you in person but I need to start my hunt for Thalia Grace as soon as possible. Please don't feel offended that I didn't take you with me. I don't want you to get hurt. Not that you're not powerful- it's just, these are hunters of Artemis. They would try to kill you now matter what you do. And I can't lose you. So, stay safe.

- Sophie.

I thought it was pretty good. I then set out for the hunters of Artemis's last known campsite.

When I reached the abandoned campsite, I searched for some clues of where they would be now. I found one.

It was a piece of scratch paper floating around in the air. I jumped up a little bit and caught it. There were words written on it that read:

We're going to Niagara Falls. That's where the Minoutaur was last found. Be there by June 12.

- Thalia

I smirked. I had forgotten that the hunters were so careless. Because with those three sentences, I knew exactly where they were, what they were doing, and when.

I closed my eyes and thought of that dang hunter in front of me. When my eyes opened again, a swirling black portal was right by me. My smile widened. This was going to be too easy.

Thalia's POV.

I ran through the forest, my wolves by my side. The circlet on my head was producing the little light that the moon didn't. I suddenly stopped as I saw a girl of the age fifteen standing in front of me.

"Hia! You must be Thalia Grace, am I right?" She asked. I nodded.

She grinned evilly. "Cool! Is it okay if I kill you?"

I didn't have time to respond as she slashed at me and cut open a huge gash in my chest. I coughed up blood when she stabbed me again in the stomach. I didn't know why I wasn't fighting back, I could easily kill her if I just- AHHHHGGGG!!!!! A shot of pain flew up through my head. I fell limply to the ground. The last thing I saw was the girl taking down my wolves before my world went black.

A/N: I made Thalia way weaker than I probably should've but I wrote this at 1:30 am so don't come at me.

Word Count: 801

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