Chapter 7- Who the Talako are you?

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Sophie's POV.

I layed rigid as I heard a yell of agony and anguish. I noticed it was me. I looked up from the floor where I had my eyes glued on. They were there. The gods. They had found me. But they forgot one thing; I was-

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed in pain as they released a wave of godly power on me.

I saw Aphrodite and a few others glance at me with pity, but the one that caught my eye wasn't of pity; it was of pure hatred.

It had to be Athena. She must know that I killed her daughter- what was her name again? Annibell? Oh, Annabeth.

I laughed out loud. "Oh, hey Athena! Are you mad at me because I killed your stupid and pridful daughter?" I mocked.

I heard the rest of the gods gasp. "She defeated that daughter of yours, Athena?" Zeus asked in disbelief.

I cackled. "Yep! I simply used her fatal flaw against her. Told her that I was right, and not her. She went crazy." I was lying of course, but what else could I do?

The only one that still looked remotely on my side was a boy sitting in the back. I didn't know if he was a god, or if he was a demigod. But as I was sent murderous glares from everyone else, he smiled at me. I ended up grinning in response.

"What are you smiling about? We're about to send you into Tartarus!" Athena screeched.

I had to stifle my laughter. These people were idiots! They just assumed that I wouldn't survive Tartarus? I was FRIENDS with him!

"Hold up." Apollo commanded. "She's lying. She lied about Annabeth going crazy. Everything else she said was completely true."

My face stretched into a wide smirk. "So the god of bragging decided to show off his power." I mocked.

Unsurprisingly, Apollo didn't remark. I almost smiled. I did defeat the Emporers for him, but he had changed. I was happy about that, despite my hatred for the gods in general.

"If I may speak."

All heads turned to look at the 14 year old boy in the back. I finally soaked in what he looked like. He had coffee brown colored skin and black hair with gold tipped bangs that jagged in front of his astounding magenta eyes. His expression wasn't one of fury like the other gods, but of something totally unexpected: kindness.

Zeus scowled. "Alright. Just no funny business, or else..." He left that warning/ threat unfinished.

The boy just smiled and nodded. "Of course."

He then walked toward me. He grabbed my chin with his hand and turned my face to where I was directly looking into his eyes. Next thing I knew, all of the gods were gone and we sat in a meadow full of Talako. Talako were a type of flower. Their petals were the exact same entracing color as the boy's eyes.

I finally realized that I wasn't chained anymore. I quickly stood up and glanced around, trying to find the boy. I spotted him a few meters away. I ran to him. His eyes were closed and it almost looked like he was sleeping. But I knew that he wasn't sleeping. He most definitely passed out from teleporting the two of us to wherever the hell we were. That meant that he was a demigod- demititan, whatever.

I didn't even notice I was sapping his energy until he groaned in pain. I immediately concentrated on giving all of the strength I had drained back to him and a little of mine. You don't repay someone from saving you with almost killing them.

I held the boy 'till he woke. He sat up from my lap and looked around. His gaze fell on me and his eyes teared up. I didn't know what he was doing until he was on top of me. I was crushed in a bear hug.

"Sophie!" He cried. "You're alive!"

It took me a second to recognize him as Talako himself. I started to cry with joy. I had found my little brother.

Talako's POV.

I've found her! I've finally found my big sister! Sophie...

A/N: Talako is one of my OC's, just to remind you guys.

Word Count: 700

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