Chapter 13- The End. Yep, That's It.

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Sophie's POV.

As I headed out of the room, I went to room 274-where we were holding the others.

"You guys are going to be free to go, since we can't really decide what to do with you. You are getting 2 choices though." I had everyone's attention on me. "Lie to everyone at Camp Half-Blood that you were chasing a monster and got lost, or have us alter everyone's memory that you were chased by that monster."

"Well, uh, what about the 3rd option?" Frank asked. "Can't we just, you know, tell them the truth?"

I turned my stare onto him. "Look, if you want to tell the other demigods, I'm fine with that. It's just that we can't have demigods running to kill us every half and hour."

"Good point." He replied.

I sighed. "Guys, just- pick one. Neither are the best choices, but they're the only ones we have right now."

"Well, can some of us get our memory erased and the others lie?" Hazel wondered.
I thought for a moment. "I could do that. I mean, Nyx, Seth, Loki and Saturn could. I'm no good at memory spells."

"Okay, then we'll do that." Rachel stood up. "I'll lie."

'Me too' and 'I as well' ran across the room until no one except for Percy had answered.
"So, all of you want to just lie to the others?" I stated.

"It seems so." Reyna answered."

"Percy...? What about you? Are you going to forget, or lie?"

"Forget." He said after a moment. "I want to forget all of this."

I nodded. It was understandable. He had lost his girlfriend and one of his friends in 32 hours.

"You've got it. I'll be taking Percy the titans/gods/primordials/-oh never mind! Let's just go." I babbled.

Everyone laughed, and I led Percy to the room where Seth and Saturn sat.

"So, he wants his memory wiped?" Seth asked calmly.

"Yes, I do." Percy cut my attempt to answer for him off.

Saturn raised an eyebrow. "How much?"

Percy paused, then said. "All of it."

Seth looked at me for confirmation. I nodded. Saturn put his hands on Percy's head and started an enchantment spell for memories.

After a second, Saturn took his hands away and Percy fell into his arms, unconscious. "That should do it. We should take them back to Camp now before he realizes something."

I smiled. This was going to be a long day.


A/N: Sorry for the abrupt ending- this is the shortest chapter in the, like, entire book. I might do a sequel about Talako and Brian and their whole relationship, but I don't know. Might leave it up to your imagination. Of course, if I do make the sequel, it will be completely about Brian and Talako's relationship because Sophie will be helping out with the whole Camp thing. Also, since this is my first story, I'd really appreciate some like, advice on how to become a better writer than I already am (which isn't a good one). 

Well, bye to anyone who read this!

Word Count: 507

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