Chapter 5- Explanation and Confusion

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Sophie's POV.

I was furious. That no- good goddess just showed up and outed me! I growled as I thundered to the Pegasi stables. Alico always calmed me down, no matter what; and I really needed to be calmed down.

Pretending to be that innocent, sweet, confused little girl was harder than I thought. Way harder. I gritted my teeth to keep me from "cussing up a storm".

I reached Alico's stall and forcefully ripped the door off its hinges.

"Come on." I said. Alico whinnied, sensing my distress.

I tried for a small smile, but I couldn't even manage that. I was so angry at everything. At pretending, at the demigods, even at the gods and goddesses! Mostly, though, I was furious at myself. Furious that I didn't fool Hestia, furious that I wasn't good enough in the end.

No. I caught myself. It's not the end yet. You still have your powers, and you have Alico. That was all you had, that's all you need.

When I looked back at my anger, I laughed.

"Well damn, look who's getting anger issues." I told Alico. She snorted in response. I took that as a You, duh.

I stifled my laugh. We needed to be getting serious. We were probably outcasts now. My face fell with that thought, then it became emotionless. This was nothing new. I knew from the beginning that if they found out that I was created by Saturn, Loki, Seth, and Nyx I would be cast out immediately.

And yes, I was created by Roman, Norse, Egyptian, and Greek gods/ goddesses. I can take another opponent's powers away from them and use it myself- even if that opponent is a god. I can also open black portals that will take me wherever I want, slow down time, shapeshift, control storms, create illusions, and I can charmspeak.

I don't know how the heck I can charmspeak, but I can. I think that's because Aphrodite blessed me when they created me two years ago. I was technically zero, but I looked about twelve at the time. I now look fifteen. They trained me for about two months and then threw me into Tartarus saying that I had to survive there for a few months. I easily could have, but I wanted to help Nico. So I did. I shared my hunt of monsters with him (I can make monsters turn into provisions after I kill them, how could I forget that power?), and led him towards the door of death. Nyx sent me back up to the real world after all of that.

Loki was the one who gave me Alico. He took a black cat that I favored and turned it into Alico, a black Pegasus with golden hooves.

I mounted Alico, recalling everything that has happened in my short life.

I laughed. I couldn't help it. It's funny how some people live a long life, but it's so uneventful. Then look at my life, short, yet I've done ten times more than a lot of people. I should've expected that, being the champion (aka, the lapdog) of SLSN. (Saturn, Loki, Seth, and Nyx couldn't agree on our name, so I suggested the first letter of each of them, and they liked it.)

I didn't notice someone flying beside me until they talked.

"Hey, Sophie? Are you okay?" Annabeth asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know if you'll understand, but I absolutely despise pity. I don't care if I've gone through hell, just don't ever pity me." I told her coldly.

Annabeth shivered. "Okay, I kind of get where you're coming from. But what I'm wondering is, are you a demi primordial?"

I stiffened, the way I was taught to when someone supposedly hit a sore spot. "Y-yeah. This person came and told me about it. They didn't tell me who, though."

Annabeth nodded. "Okay. Same guy that told you about the four worlds? Greek, Roman, Norse, and Egyptian, right?"

It was my turn to nod. "Yeah, them."

I bit my lip to stifle my laugh. This girl was a daughter of Athena, and she couldn't even pick up on a simple lie. It was refreshing to know that I still had my touch after all this time.

"What are you not telling me?" She asked out of the blue.

"I just- I just hate that everyone knows a lot about me now. I've never really been one to trust people after... that." I easily lied.

Annabeth nodded. "Yeah, I get that, too, I guess. I ran away when I was seven."

I looked at her in fake shock. "Really?"

She nodded, then laughed humorlessly. "Wow, I ran away at seven, my boyfriend was abused, Piper's dad is a movie star but he got captured, Leo's mom died by his own flame, Hazel died and then came back even though her mom didn't, Jason is now dead, and Frank's mom and grandmother are dead."

"Woah. I think the Super Seven are more like the Depressing Seven." I thought out loud. My hand flew to my mouth. "Oh my gods, I'm so sorry!"

Annabeth smiled. "No, it's okay. Actually, it's true. A demigod's life can be a bit depressing."

I held my smirk back. "I bet it can."

I proceeded to stand up on Alico, and jump onto Annabeth's Pegasi. The Pegasi wasn't ready for my weight, so it dipped down.

I smirked at Annabeth. "And I'm right." I whispered in her ear as I pushed her off into the lake from fifty feet up.

A/N: I don't know why I killed off one of my favorite characters.

Word Count: 923 

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