Chapter 9- Oh No.

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Random Hunter POV.

I walked through the camp that we had set up. I then heard a scream. My feet reacted before I could and I was flying toward the sound. When I got there, Phoebe was beside a limp form covered in blood. I slowly stumbled to them. That's when I saw who it was. I myself then let out a blood curdling screech. For the body was of Thalia Grace.

Sophie's POV.

I grinned as I walked away from the crime scene. Another flawless disposal. Another flawless mission completion. Another flawless... I stopped in my tracks as it dawned on me. Murder. I was... murdering these innocent people. How did I not notice this before?!

I fell to my knees, suddenly weak. When I looked up, I saw them. (And if you say Death, I swear on the Styx I'm gonna kill you.) It was Nico, Will, Reyna, Rachel, Calypso, and the 6. Including a furious Percy.

He quietly stepped towards me. I knew something was wrong. Percy was never this quiet when he was mad. Then it hit me. Oh gods.

I was wrapped in the arms of water; but not gentle water. Raging, violent water. I let out a scream as it slashed and stabbed at my skin. I didn't beg for mercy, though. I had it coming for me, killing Annabeth and all. To be honest, I was surprised he hadn't killed me yet. Knowing Percy and his power, he easily could. After all, I am just a little pawn in the game of chess.

NO! I heard someone shout in my head. I recognized that voice.

"Nyx?" I weakly asked. Darkness covered my eyes as I felt the torture let up. I tried to stand, but another pair of arms held me close and carried me. I looked at their face. "Saturn?"

He nodded and leaped enveloped us in a bright light as we flashed away.

I woke up in my bed. Everything hurt like crazy. I groaned as I tried to sit up.

When I finally managed to swing my legs over the side of the bed, someone called out.

"Uh-ah, nope. Get right back in bed, Sophie." Loki shook his head.

I sighed, doing what he said. "At least tell me what happened."

"Well, Nyx blinded those demigods with darkness as Saturn got you out. You will have a new mission to fulfill in a week's time. Oh! Talako's also doing fine. He came back here yesterday." Loki told me.

"Yesterday?!" I exclaimed. "Does that mean I've been out for a whole day?!"

He nodded. "Yeah. But you were recovering from that son of Poseidon's hurricane, so I think that a whole day was pretty reasonable. Even with your remarkable healing skills."

I rolled my eyes at his compliments. "If I was half as good as you say, I wouldn't be in this dang bed. I wouldn't even be hurt!"

I heard someone sigh in exasperation. I turned to see that it was Seth, his red eye's were full of annoyance. I smirked. He was always the most responsible of us. Then again, none of us were really responsible, so it's not much of an award.

"Miss Sophie, I helped with those amazing healing skills so I would assume that they are as good as Loki said." He mused.

I had to laugh at that. "Yeah, yeah, I'll give your huge ego a kiss for that." I replied sarcastically.

Loki barked out a cackle at that. "You're good, girl."

I smiled innocently. "I'm not quite sure what you mean."

Even Seth cracked a smile then.

But we all jumped when the alarm sounded. Someone had found our hideout.

A/N: I'm so sorry about how freaking short these updates are. Also, currently, I'm thinking of making this a pretty short story with maybe a sequel. 

Word Count: 637

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