Chapter 2- Hold Up a Second

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Sophie's POV.

I woke in someone's lap. I pushed myself out of the person's comforting grasp and looked at who was holding me. It was the girl that had the dagger. I stared at her. What was she doing with me?

I found my voice and asked. "Who are you?"

She smiled slightly and answered. "I'm Annabeth. Do you remember Percy?"

I cocked my head to the side. "Is he the black hair, sea green eyes dude?"

She nodded. "Yes, and he is my boyfriend. He is over there." She nodded her head in the direction of Percy and stood up.

"Do you know what that thing that was chasing you was?" Annabeth asked, becoming serious.

"It looked like something that I have seen before.... that's it! It was a Fury! I've heard about it from Greek Mythology. Also, I played this game called Mythomagic and a Fury was one of the cards!" I squealed.

"Hey, you're awake." A voice from behind me said.

I twirled around and instinctively punched him in the stomach. Then I saw that it was the guy from earlier; Percy. I covered my mouth with my hands.

"Gods, I am so sorry! I thought you were the police-" I shut my mouth a little late.

Percy looked at me weirdly. "You said 'gods', not God. And did you say the Police?" He then laughed. "Hey Annabeth, this is kinda like a miniature girl version of me."

She rolled her eyes and told me. "Don't worry. We've all been there. Especially Percy here. He was a fugitive."

I gaped at them. "Are you guys demigods?" I asked them.

They both gasped. "You know about half- bloods?" They asked simultaneously. I nodded, unsure if I should have told them.

"Yeah, I met this person when I was eight. They looked a lot like me. They told me about a place where people like me could have lives. They said that I was a special case. They told me about Tartarus, and at first, I was like, 'Hold up a freaking second, did you say tartar sauce?' They laughed and explained everything. They explained all of the Greek stuff, all of the Roman stuff, all of the Norse stuff, the Egyptian things too. They left after that. Then my eyes turned weird and my family kicked me out."

Annabeth and Percy stared at me in disbelief. "You know about all four of those?" Annabeth asked in a quiet voice.

I nodded. "Yeah, and the person kept changing from Nyx, to Staurn, to Seth, then to Loki. And I felt like I was related to all of them. It was freaky-"

Before I could tell them anymore, I ended up with my hand in Percy's and walking to Camp Half- Blood. (Just to let you know, it was all an act. I am a pretty good actor if I say so myself.)

Chiron's POV.

I was sitting out on the porch of the Big House in my wheelchair. Before I could think anymore, Annabeth came running up to me. She was pretty winded when she got here.

"Annabeth? What are you doing here? I thought you were with Percy? What happened?" I bombarded her with questions.

She shook her head and answered. "We found a demigod, Chiron. On the streets. Percy is bringing her here now. But you won't believe what was after her. Chiron, Alecto was after her. And she said that she had defied death. Chiron, I don't know what to think anymore." Annabeth rambled.

I held up my hand to stop her. "Look, Annabeth, it's fine. Mr. D. should be here at camp any moment now."

She looked at me in surprise. "What do you mean Mr. D isn't here right now?!" She asked frantically.

A figure caught my attention. I pointed to Percy. "Where is the demigod?" I asked.

Annabeth glanced at where I was pointing and gave a sigh of relief. "I was thinking that they weren't going to get here." She muttered. Then, louder, she advised. "Look at Percy's hands."

I did as she said and almost did a double take. There was a petite girl of about fifteen holding his hand. She had choppy, long light brown hair. Her olive skin tone complimented her multicolored eyes.

I got out of my wheelchair and galloped towards Percy and the girl.

"Hello, Percy. Would you care to introduce me to this... girl?" I asked. He nodded, about to speak, but the girl beat him.

"I'm Sophie Sara Griffin. I am a demigod. Unclaimed, so don't ask. Percy and Annabeth brought me here on my own account, and I have been living alone for two years, so I can easily survive by myself if I wanted. So try not to push your luck with me Chiron. And don't call me a little girl." She said sharply as she yanked her hand away from Percy's hand. She was only 5 foot 2, but she could be intimidating.

Both mine and Percy's jaw dropped. I recovered first. "Forgive me, Miss Sophie. But may I ask, how did you know that I am Chiron?"

She blinked. "You're a white stallion centaur. You are at Camp Half- Blood. Who wouldn't know that you are the immortal Chiron?"

I laughed in amusement. "You could be a daughter of Athena with your smarts, young lady."

She smiled at me. "Thank you."

I nodded and let Percy give her a tour.

A/N: I'm thinking of publishing once a week for the 1 person that looks at this crap. 

Word Count: 903

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