Chapter 11- To Much To Take In

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Nyx's POV.

When Sophie ran in with Loki and Seths, I knew something was up. Especially when I saw their expressions. Loki and Seths were both surprised, while Sophie's was of determination. I sighed.

"Hide or escape. Now." Sophie commanded.

I looked at Saturn and nodded. Even though we were the head of our Organization, Sophie took the lead whenever this happened. It was what she has been trained for.

So we all turned to the teleportation anchor and flashed away. (If you don't know what a teleportation anchor is, it's basically something that gives you multiple places to go without using any power. It causes a very bright flash if wanted, so if you're trying to escape from someone, it will blind them so they can't follow you.)

We went to a random place so no one could find us. After 5 minutes I spoke up.

"We should go back. Sophie might need our help."

Everyone nodded. When we teleported back, I saw that Percy Jackson boy beating her up. I was silently seething.

No one touches Sophie and gets away with it.

Then a black haired boy with an aura of death stopped him. I smiled slightly as he helped Sophie up. Then I remembered what we were here for. So I grabbed all of the other demigods and threw them into a spare room.

I came back right in time to hear Di Angelo yell out "Styx"- before I threw him in the spare room as well.

"Hey, Saturn, could you put a power disabler charm on the room that I transported the demigods to?" I asked.

Saturn nodded. "Which room?"


In a flash, Saturn was gone. I fell down to Sophie as I checked her over for major injuries. Thankfully, there were only two. A long, deep cut on her stomach, and a sprained wrist from the awkward position she was currently in. I bared my teeth. Those damn demigods!

"Seth!" I shouted. He immediately appeared beside me. I nudged my head towards Sophie. He got my message.

Seth held out a hand as it started to glow, then just as quickly, as it disappeared a second later. But all of Sophie's injuries were gone.

Her mixture of gold, blue, green and white irises opened sleepily.

"You shouldn't have come, you idiots." She quietly scolded us.

I smiled slightly. "You really thought we'd let you have all the fun?"

Sophie laughed lightly, then fell limply in my arms. Despite what the rest of them might say, I was the closest to Sophie. Emotionally at least. That's probably because I was in charge of her emotions. Saturn made her physical appearance and characteristics. Loki took charge of her powers, and Seth was who made it to where Sophie could heal quickly and that she would have a strong mind.

Anyways, I picked Sophie up and headed for room 235, her personal bedroom. She stirred in my arms.

"Nyx...what are you doing...? You...were supposed to...get away." Sophie said in a sleepy voice.

I smiled. "Well, I couldn't just leave my favorite living thing to die, now could I?"

She smiled, then frowned. "Where...are they?"

I bit my lip. Even though Sophie wasn't their friend, she didn't want anything bad to happen to them. She really was the sweetest person.

"I put them in room 274. Their powers are currently gone. Do you need to do anything with them?" I told her.

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