Chapter 4- What the actual-

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Will's POV.

"Hey, are you Will Solace?" A voice from behind me asked.

I turned my head to face the little girl.

"I am. Healer extraordinaire. Do you need something?" I questioned.

She shook her head. She looked about fifteen from what I could tell. Her light brown hair flowed across her back in waves. She had an olive skin tone as well. Her red, blue, green, and golden eyes sparkled in the dim infirmary light.

"Um, not really. I'm just new here. Unclaimed. Do I go to the Hermes cabin? I think I do. Thanks for the advice!" She ran off before I could utter another word.

I shrugged. Whatever. It's not like I've never seen something like this before. I went back to my work.

Sophie's POV.

After I saw Will and self answered my question, I headed for the Pegasus stables. I found my Pegasus, Alico, munching on hay.

I whistled. "Hey! Alico, get over here!"

Alico's pitch black coat sheened as she trotted to where I stood.

I smiled. Alico was still as beautiful as she's ever been. Her midnight blue eyes were almost impossible to find in her deep black fur. She had golden hooves that would shimmer when she flies through the sunlight. Her wings had tips of the same color as her hooves.

I mounted her and she took off. Alico flew us through the camps woods and we came out by the lake. She then did a loopty loop and tossed me into the water playfully. I laughed. It felt so good to be with my Spirit Animal again that I forgot that there were Naiads in the lake.

"Excuse me! Who are you? You look new." A Naiad said to me.

I smiled at her and answered, "Well, yes, I am new to this camp. But Alico here is my Pegasus. I've known her for a while."

The Naiad nodded and went back underwater.

Alico then decided to pick me up by my shirt and drag me back to the stables. When we got there, a guy with a rainbow tattoo on his arm stopped us.

"Hey, who are you?" He asked.

"My name is Sophie." I replied. He nodded and glanced at Alico.

"How did you get this one to not bite your head off? He is horrible with other Pegasus and hate's the demigods that have enough courage to try to ride him."

"Alico's a she. Also, we've known each other for a long time now. I don't understand why you thought that she was a male." I said.

He shrugged. "I've never checked myself. By the way, my names Butch."

I smiled. "I'm Sophie. Nice to meet you."

He grinned back at me. "You're new, aren't you?" He asked.

"How'd you guess?" I replied.

He chuckled. "I know a starter when I see one."

I had to contain myself from smirking. I had fooled this guy as well. My acting isn't half bad. Most of it is just knowing when to lie. And I know everything about lying.

"Well, I'm going to groom Alico real quick. See you around Butch!" I call cheerfully as I lead Alico back to her stall. I start rubbing her down with a brush until her coat gleems and shimmers.

I looked at my work with a little bit of pride.

"Hey, what are you- oh, it's you." I heard a voice say behind me. I recognized him as Percy and twirled around.

"What is it? Am I doing something wrong?" I asked innocently.

He shook his head. "No, sorry. I just thought that it was another camper that wasn't familiar with- WAIT, WHAT?!?! How is Alico not chomping your hand off?"

I stifled a laugh. "Can't you communicate with Pegasi? Ask her yourself." I prod.

He rolled his eyes. "Oh. So you've been friends with Alico since you got kicked out, right?"

"You've got that right." I clarified.

He nodded. "Cool." He then left for another Pegasi's stall.

I couldn't contain my smirk anymore and let it spread across my face freely. I wasn't doing much more than lying, and some people have already fallen into my trap. Capturing the flag tonight should be fun.

Chiron's POV.

I was thinking about letting the campers play capture the flag today. I wanted to introduce Sophie to weapons and fighting along with the game. So when dinner was finished, I gave the announcement.

"We will be playing Capture the Flag tonight!" I told everyone. "The Ares, Hephuastus, Aphrodite, Demeter, and Dionysus will be on the red team. That means Athena, Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, and Hermes will be on the blue team."

I searched the faces of the excited demigods and managed to pick out Sophie. "Also, we have a new demigod. Sophie Griffin!"

Sophie looked around, confusion plainly seen on her face. Then she stood up cautiously. Everyone else clapped politely. She tried for a smile then sat back down.

"Claimed or unclaimed?" Someone in the crowd shouted.

I pursed my lips. "Unclaimed."

"That's not fair! She's fifteen." Someone else yelled.

I could see most of the crowd nodd. But I was a little sceptical. How would Sophie have survived for that long if she didn't know how to use her powers?


It took me a second to realize that someone had shouted- no, said- that aloud. I glanced around and found every single eye on a girl of eight years old.

I bowed to her. "Lady Hestia. What is it my lady?"

Hestia shook her head. "Please, call me Hestia. And I can tell you now, Sophie over here is not a demigod, she is a demi primordial."

I gave a quick intake of breath. This- this couldn't be.

I saw Sohpie's eyes widen at this proclamation.

"Um, not to interrupt or anything, but, what is a demi primordial?" Percy asked. Hestia turned her head to look at him.

"A demi primordial is a demigod, just they don't have godly parents, they have primordial parents." She explained.

"WHAT THE FU-" Clarisse's attempt to cuss in front both a goddess and children was cut off by Percy, who had somehow gotten over in time.

"Not to be rude, but Hestia, how do you know?" Annabeth wondered.

"I know because not a single god or goddess has any child of the name Sophie. And I checked all of them. Sophie could be a demititan, but I doubt any of the titans could have gotten out of Tartarus that long ago and no one knew." Hestia answered. Then, to Sophie. "Who is your mortal parent?"

Sophie bit her lip. "I don't have any... I mean, I was in an orphanage since before I can remember. I lied to Percy and Annabeth about being kicked out by my parents... when I was kicked out of an orphanage." She was on the verge of tears now.

Hestia didn't ask for an elaboration. Many of the campers were giving Sophie sympathetic looks. Sophie saw one of them and her face morphed into one of rage.

"STOP IT!" She screamed. "STOP GIVING ME SYMPATHY! I DON'T NEED IT!" Sophie then stormed off in the direction of the Pegasi stables.

A/N: I have no sense of schedule-

Word Count: 1169

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