Kai Havertz (Requested)

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@Amalia_Johal just for you💖 I tried. This just came off the top of my head as I went a long. I will always try to make a new one soon.



"I will always love you. You are my soul mate, and I am grateful for that." Kai states as he kisses my hand.

"I love you so much Kai. Always and forever."


That night kept repeating in my head over and over as I drove away from my house that I share with my boyfriend of 4 years, Kai Havertz. Or should I say, ex-boyfriend. I caught him in bed with another girl. Not only is he cheating on me with another female, but he's cheating on me Cardiff City defender, Sol Bamba's wife.

I felt so betrayed, hurt, and sad. Never in a million years did I think Kai would do this to me. I don't know what to do. I wanted to marry Kai. He was the only one I could see myself with, but now it all is nothing but a memory. A terrible, terrible memory. I didn't know what to do. The one person I loved with my whole heart betrayed me. I had no other choice but to retreat to my best friend Mason Mount's home.

When I arrived at Mason's house, I took a minute to collect myself and look somewhat presentable even though I've been crying the whole ride there. When I got to his door, I knocked three times and waited. I could see lights turn on and I could hear footsteps coming downstairs.

"Y/N?" Mason asked as he opened the door, clearly still half asleep. "What are you doing here? It's literally 3am. Come in."

When I walked into his home, I kept myself from crying, but the moment he asked if I was okay, I broke down in his arms.

"He cheated. He did the one thing he said he'd never do." I sobbed in his arms. "I trusted him. I trusted him with my heart and he just ripped it out of my chest and crushed it like it was nothing. I don't know what to do Mason."

"Woah, wait what? Kai cheated? Why? With whom?" Mason asked as he went to grab his phone.

"Chloe Bamba." I said making Mason stop dead in his tracks.

"Sol Bamba's wife? The player from Cardiff city? What is his wife doing in Chelsea? That is like an hour to two-hour drive." He questioned still processing what you said.

I sobbed harder. "I don't know but he was in our bed with her. I walked in on them and she just acted like it wasn't a problem." Mason hugged me again.

"I will beat his fucking ass tomorrow at practice. I will make him regret what he did. Don't worry Y/N, you can stay here as long as you want." He reassured.

"Please don't do anything to get you suspended or kicked off the team."

"No promises," he chuckled softly. "You can stay in my guest room. Stay as long as you'd like. I don't mind the company. I have to get to bed for practice in the morning. Try to get some sleep, and trust me, Kai will regret what he did." Mason kissed the top of my head before heading to his bedroom.


The next morning came by so slow. I hardly slept, and even when I did it was only for a couple minutes at a time.

I decided to go to the Chelsea practice with Mason. I was going to have to face Kai eventually anyway. The drive there, Mason kept talking about how Kai better not talks to him or even look at him or he'll call him out in front of the whole team. I tried not to think of what I saw last night because I didn't want to end up in tears again. Especially in front of the whole Chelsea F.C. team.

When we arrived at the stadium, I headed to the stands while Mason went to the locker room with the rest of the team.


+Mason's POV+

The meeting in the locker room was normal. Coach talked about what we will be working on today and what we need to improve for the next game in a few days. Of course, Kai wasn't here. He either stayed home being a fuck boy, or he's running late after a long night cheating on my best friend, Y/N.

"Mason!" Tino yelled across the locker room.

"Wh-what?" I said coming out of my thoughts.

"We gotta get to the pitch man. What is going on it that thick skull of yours? You've been zoning out since you got here. You good brother?" He asked as we made our way outside.

"Nah man. Y/N came over last night. Kai cheated on her and she caught him in bed. I swear to god Tino, if I see his ass you better hold me back or I swear I'm going to jail for fucking manslaughter." I said getting mad again.

"Okay... Remind me to never piss you off," he chuckled. "C'mon. We Gotta warm up."


During the warmups I just sat on my phone on Instagram. Scrolling through friend's happy post and memes. As I was looking down at my phone, I heard some yelling.

"Hey Kai. It's nice you showed your bitch ass face here." It was Mason.

I looked up from my phone to see Mason quickly approach Kai with Tino and Thiago running in front of him to keep Mason away from Kai.

"What are you talking about Mason?" Kai asked playing dumb.

Mason chuckled a little before trying to reach for Kai, but Thiago stopped him. "Don't play Kai. Go ahead and tell every-fucking-body what you did last night. Go on, I'm waiting."

"Wha-" Kai stopped when he seen me coming down from the stands. "Oh my god Y/N. I am sorry I love y-"

Kai was stopped mid-sentence by getting hit in the face by Mason after he got away from Tino and Thiago's grip.

"Hey! Mount stop that!" Coach yelled running up to the scene.

I helped hold Mason back as some other players went to the aid of Kai, "Calm down Mason."

"Go on Kai. Go on and tell them how you cheated on Y/N. Tell them how you ruined your relationship with her because you couldn't keep your dick in your pants. She came to my house in the middle of the night crying because you broke her heart.

"You what?"


"Big mistake Havertz."

"Look, this isn't anyone's business except mine and Y/N's." Kai said finally speaking up, "Please stop this Mason it was a mistake."

"MISTAKE?" Mason yelled, "You dumbass, did you mistakenly fall with your dick out and it ended up in Sol Bamba's wife?"

"Okay you two, that's enough. Havertz, go home." Coach said finally putting ending this situation.

"Me? He hit me! He shou-"

"Enough! Go home Kai. I will call you to talk about this later." Coach said ushering Kai to the locker-room.

I followed Kai to the locker room, ignoring pleas from some of the players saying to just leave him.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do this. Please for-"

I put my hand up stopping him from saying his sad excuses, "No, you obviously did mean to do this. You purposely broke my heart Kai and now you're paying for it. Please don't contact me again. I will come over soon to get my things. Have a nice life Kai."

With that, I walked out erasing the memories I had with Kai Havertz.-------

A/N: I just wanna state that I have nothing against Sol Bamba or his wife. I just chose them for this story because Sol was the first footballer I found that was married. I hope they're happy and they aren't cheating :)

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