Aaron Ramsey

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It was Christmas Eve, and Aaron brought you with him to your home in Berlin Germany. He loved it here every time you've brought him, no matter the time of year.

Christmas was especially beautiful. It snowed a few times, but that doesn't stop your family from having a backyard football field made by your father. He knew that everything had to be set up now that you were dating a footballer.

You get up on the homemade football field, and even know went to play there during holidays. You play don a women's team in England. That's how the two of you met.

He helps out at a charity event, that your tea was also at. He introduced himself and the two of you talked. Even learning that you were both midfielders.

The rest orator that was history. Now you had been dating for a few years.

Both of you were lacing your cleats and pulling jerseys on over the top of your coats as it was the typical freezing temperature.

The backyard practically froze completely in half an hour.

You ran around with Aaron for a while, just messing around and chasing one another. Your sister and her son even came out for a while. Aaron and you helped teach him how to play football. He was only about a year and a half old, but he already had football blood in him.

Aaron was excellent with kids. It never ceased to amaze you, an always resulted in you falling more in love with him each time he was with a child. Whether it was your nephew or just a young fan. He was always amazing with them, taking time to talk with them or in your nephews' case, help him learn to play.

He tired quickly though in the cold and before you knew it, the two of you were along again. He spent time taking shots on you, and wise versa.

Aaron stopped to take a break after a while. You sat yourself on the top of the net. Aaron leaned his body on the goal post and smiled at you.

"I got so lucky to find you," He started happily. "And even luckier to have you agree to date me."

He got closer and kissed you, his height practically being as tall as you sitting on the net.

"I love you," You spoke after a moment.

He smiled, "I've loved you practically since I met you."

You couldn't help but smile at that statement.

He continued to your surprise. "I've been able to picture a future with you for what feels like ever. I can see us in England's, with a moderate sized house, our two dogs and the cat. God that annoying cat is even in the picture. But I see us with two boys and a baby girl also. Maybe one boy, but I see the girl for sure because I want a daughter I can spoil." He rambled. "I see myself in a stunning tuxedo walking our daughter down the aisle; spoiled, she looks beautiful, like you. I also see myself in a suit, watching as your dad walks you down the aisle. God you're stunning, in a while flowing dressing-" He stopped himself for a moment and stare at you. "What I'm really saying is I see my future and you're it. You're not in my future, you are my future. I hope that you see me like that, which is why-" He reached into a zipped-up pocket in his pants. He owned this weird pair of pants you hated, after all what kind of pants have pockets that zip up. You watched him get down on one knew which shocked you enough to get off the top of the net.

"Will you marry me Y/N?" Ge ask smiling up at you.

You smiled, the tears in your eyes already freezing your eyelashes due to the cold. "Of course, I will Aaron. God yes." You helped him up and wrapped your arms around him, hugging him before kissing him. Snow started to fall onto the both of you.

"God, I love you so much Aaron," You smiled and mumbled into the kiss. "So, fucking much."

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