Luke Shaw

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 Back when he broke his leg in 2 places


I was sitting on the bench with the players for todays game. My boyfriend, Luke Shaw was in the starting line up. I was excited, because this is the first game I got to see live. I've been too busy with college, I was only able to watch it on TV, which isn't that much fun. His teammates were like my family. I love them, and they love me.

During the game, I talked to teammates and watched the game. It was in the middle of the game, when someone passed the ball to Luke. He was sprinting down the field with an opponent right behind him. The opponent tried to get the ball, but accidentally tripped Luke, causing him to fall. It happened so fast, I couldn't tell what happened at first.

Luke started screaming in pain, causing me to get scared. I stood up to see Luke holding his leg. From where I was sitting, I couldn't barely see anything, so I ran onto the field and saw Luke's leg. I covered my mouth, because it was completely broken. The EMT's came over and helped Luke onto the stretcher. I ran to my car and drove to the hospital.


When I arrived to the hospital, Luke's parents.

"Is he okaY?" I asked his dad.

"They took him to surgery. The doctor said he'd tell us what happened after surgery." His mother said.


About 2 hours later, the doctor came up to us.

"Sorry about the wait. The surgery took longer than we thought." The doctor  looked at Luke's chart. "He broke two bone in his leg. It took awhile to fix it. He won't be able to play football for awhile."

"That's going to be hard for him." His mom says.

"We'll help him through it." I say.

"Mr.Shaw has said he wants to see the love of his life." A nurse said coming up to us.

I stood up and followed the nurse to Luke's room.

When we walked in, Luke was watching tv. He didn't notice us at first. When I shut the door, he looked over and smiled.

"Love! You are here!!!" He cheered.

"Hey, Luke." I kiss his cheek, "You know you can't play football for awhile, right?"

He looked at me for a minute, "Oh well, at least I have you to take care of me" He laughed.

"I love you Luke."

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