David Brooks (Requested)

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"Brooks! Your girlfriend is here!" Ben said opening the door to his and David's home.

I rolled my eyes at him, and chuckled, "It's not like that Ben." He raised his eyebrows as David came into view.

"Definitely not like that." He said nudging Ben. "Come on in Y/N."

"See Ben." I laughed as I walked into the house to see a few other guys friend Ben's team.

"I grabbed lunch after my workout class, I grabbed some for you too since I know it's your favorite." I explained to David as he followed me into the kitchen.

"You're the best." He yelled excitedly pulling me into a hug. "Do you want to come eat with me?"

"Aren't I intruding on your guy time?" I laughed.

"Of course not. You're welcome any time." He said wrapping his arm around my shoulders as he led me to the living room table.

We sat at the living room table away from the rest of the guys as they played video games. We caught each other up on our day as we ate. I stood up to throw away the trash, as I heard David ask a question.

"Do you still want to see that movie you were talking about, love?"

"The horror movie? Yes, of course I do." I smiled sitting back at the table.

"They just started showing it at that movie theater near your house, want to go later tonight?" He asked as he was looking through his phone.

"I'll check the times!" I yelled happily.

As we looked through the times on our phones, we heard someone enter the dining area, but we didn't think much of it.

"Look at that, you guys are so cute." Jack Wilshere said throwing himself into a chair across from us.

"It's not like that." David and I said in unison. We looked at each other and laughed a little.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." He rolled his eyes as he laughed.

I ignored what he said and turned my attention to David.

"So, I can come pick you up at like 7:30 and we can go to the 8 o'clock movie?" I asked David.

"Sounds like a great plan." He smiled.

"Alright great." I sigh, "well I have to get going. Behave you two." I giggled kissing the top of both their heads.

"Bye!" They both say cheerfully.

I walked out shaking my head with a slight chuckle as I passed Jefferson Lerma on the way out.

"Hey Jeff, good to see you. I was just leaving." I wave to her.

"I'm sure you can come visit David anytime. I'm always here too." He laughed wrapping me in a tight hug.

"For the millionth time Jeff, it's not like that."

"You can keep saying it's not like that sis, but maybe just, you know, open your eyes a bit wider. You'll see what we all see." He says in his thick Colombian accent as he pats my shoulder and walks away.


As I was getting myself ready for the movie, I kept thinking over Jeff's words. David and I were friends, really close friends. There couldn't be more behind that.

My thinking had pushed me behind and I realized I needed to finish getting ready quickly. As I grabbed my clothes, the doorbell rang. I was already running late for picking up David, and whoever was at the door was going to make me even more later. I sighed and walked to the door putting on my shirt in the process.

I was shocked when I opened the door to see David.

"What are you doing here? I was going to come pick you up in like 30 minutes." I said looking at my apple watch.

He didn't say anything, instead he pushed his way through the door, placing his hands on my cheek and brought his lips to mine. It was a gentle passionate kiss.

He pulled away and placed his forehead to mine. We were both panting, out of breath from the kiss and my mind was racing.

"It's like that," He finally said breaking the silence. "Definitely like that."

I ran my hand behind his neck and brought him back to me for another kiss, feeling him smile against my lips.

"Definitely, definitely like that." I smiled as he gave me a few quick kisses and pulled me into a hug.

"Did you still want to go to the movies?" I asked still in his arms.

"One condition," He smiled holding up his index finger. "If I can keep kissing you."

"I can arrange that," I giggled as he kissed me again."

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