Marco Asensio

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"Marco, you're going to be great," You assured him over the phone. He needed to be reassured.

He sighed a little, "I feel bad that I had to cancel our dinner reservations, especially so close to our anniversary."

"I'm okay with it. You go ahead, play in your first Real Madrid game and kick ass," You motivated him.

It was almost like you could hear him smile on the other end of the phone. "I'll never know what I did to deserve you."

"Well you did... uhh..." You trailed off thinking. "You actually did nothing to deserve me. I'm way out of your league." You joked.

He went along with the joke and gasped, "Oh no you've differed it out Y/N! Please don't leave me!"

You laughed for a moment before being serious again, "I'll see you before the game, right? And I'm assuming there are tickets for at least me to be there"

"I'm sad my parents won't make it... But yes, I got a ticket for you." He assured you.

You smiled, "I can't wait to see you in a few hours then. I want to congratulate you in person."

He sounded happy, "Sounds like a plan. I love you."

"I love you too." You told him.

You both hung up the phone, ending the call. You placed your phone on the kitchen table, somewhat in disbelief.

When Marco left this morning, he was headed to practice with a minor club he was in. Instead, he hot told upon arrival that he was going to be playing in the La Liga league with Real Madrid.

The first phone call he made was to you. He was in his car happily tearing up. He wouldn't admit he was crying but you were almost certain he was.

"Shit, our dinner is tonight, we had that reservation," He exclaimed sadly.

You were shocked he cared that much about some reservations. "Marco! You're going to be playing with Real Madrid! Screw dinner."

"But I had a special dinner planned out," He explained.

"Nothing can beat your first pro game." You told him.

He ultimately agreed with you. After all, debuts were a big deal. He was one of Real Madrid's prospects to be called up this season.

He had spent most of the day practicing with the team and learning from the best. He managed to work in the phone call to mostly talk to you.

You quickly started getting ready since you wanted to be at the stadium when the doors opened. The excitement you had for Marco probably matched his excitement.

One the phone you could hear him slightly upset because the two of you were going to miss your anniversary dinner, but that was something you could do any other day.

You didn't feel like doing much to your hair so instead you tied it back into a ponytail. Sadly, you didn't own a Real Madrid jersey, so you chose to wear a Spain jersey.

Close enough.

you left your house with plenty of time to get to the stadium, after all you were hoping to see your boyfriend before the game.

You drive for what felt like ages, the closer you got the more excited you were. It felt unreal that he would actually be in La Liga.

When you found a parking spot after arriving at the stadium, you quickly shot Marco a text. It was mostly asking if you two were going to meet.

A response popped up on your phone saying he would meet you outside the stadium. He needed fresh air anyways.

You waited by the entrance he said to meet you at, until you noticed him show up. He was dressed in a Real Madrid jersey. and white shorts. It was a little cold outside, so you thought he was cold.

"Aren't you cold?" You curiously asked as he hugged you.

He shook his head. "I'm too nervous and scared to be cold." He explained as you walked with each other around the stadium.

"Don't be babe. You'll do fantastic." You encouraged him.

He smiled, "I'm surprisingly not nervous about the game."

You tilted your head somewhat confused, "What else is there to be nervous about?"

He softly sighed. "I just had some really cool stuff planned for us both tonight."

"We can always do something to celebrate our anniversary another night,"

He smiled, "I was going to take you to that small Italian place we went to on our first date. Then we were going to go for a walk on the beach."

"That sounds nice. We can go later this week." You kissed his cheek.

"I also had other small stuff planned. Since I had that game on our actual dating anniversary." He explained.

"Like what?" You asked and laced your fingers with his.

"Well... I don't think I want to tell you tonight what those things were," He teased a little.

He stopped you both in your own little space, on a wider sidewalk. The sun was staring to set more in the distance.

"Y/N, you make me so incredibly happy. Happier than I've ever been in my life. Every day I spend with you is happier than the last. Living my life like this is perfect, I want to keep my life with you perfect," He smiled at you. He got down on one knee. "I've loved you for a long time and I'll always love you. Will you marry me?"

Tears sprung from your eyes, "This is why you were nervous?"

He nodded, a hand running through his hair.

"I should say yes so you can stop stressing!" You laughed. "Of course, I'm going to marry you Marco!"

He had already gotten up on his feet and pulled you into a hug. Kissing you passionately.

"I love you," You mumbled against his lips.

"I love you too."

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