Eric Durm

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You squished your face with your hands as you nervously waited. You watched yourself in the mirror as you pushed your cheeks up and down. The past two months you've suspected you could be pregnant, but you denied it though and pushed it to the back of your mind.

If you didn't accept the idea, it couldn't be possible, right? Well, wrong as Y/F/N told you a couple days ago.

You rubbed your temples, anxious to see what the stupid little stick was going to tell you. You had around a minute left of waiting; the longest minute of your life.

Flipping the toilet seat's lid down, you sat and carefully picked up the pregnancy test. It was one of those tests that told you how far along you were. Y/F/N suggested getting it, she has been dead set on you being pregnant since you told her earlier this week.

You stared at the ceiling as you tapped the stick fast, but gentle on your hand. Taking a deep breath, you finally had the courage to look down at it.

Pregnant 7-9 weeks.

Your hands started to shake, then your body started to tremble. 'I can't be pregnant. It's not true, the test made a mistake.' You thought.

"Y/N! Hey, you okay in there?" Y/F/N asked worriedly. "Have you taken the test yet?"

You bit your lip, "Am I really pregnant?" You asked yourself quietly. The automatic response you got was a 'no'. Though, in the back of your mind you could gear a faint whisper of a 'yes'.

You braced yourself for your friend's reaction as you open the door slowly; a small smile turning the corners of your lips up. An involuntary smile at that.

You gave a slight nod. She squealed a little jumping up and down, "Oh my God! I'm going to be an auntie!" she cheered.

You smiled slightly, still unsure of how to tell Eric.

For a few hours the two of you had girl time; something you haven't gotten a lot of with her going to college in America.

Eventually, she had to leave. That left you with the ever-challenging topic of how to tell Eric. He was going to be home soon, he spent the day with some teammates, so you could have a "girls' day".

You paced back and forth in the kitchen. You and Eric haven't even lived together a year yet. In fact, it would be a year of living together in 2 months. Of course, you've been dating longer than that, 2 1/2 years... That didn't make this any easier. You both are still quite young, and you know that.

You don't know if you can handle the pressure of being a mom... And doing a lot of it without Eric, depending on his schedule when next season starts.

You bit your lip to calm down. 'Just ease him into the idea. Throw some hints at him. He's smart, he'll get it eventually.'

You took a deep breath and preheated the oven. Taking a look in the freezer, you pulled out a frozen pizza. The idea of cooking didn't strike you as fun, especially since you weren't sure what you would even feel like eating in half an hour. After waiting for the over to preheat, you slid the pizza in the oven, setting the timer for 20 minutes.

You sat down and relaxed. You spent 20 minutes convincing yourself that everything was going to be okay. That Eric would be happy and not leave. Despite not believing in any kind of "God", you prayed that he wouldn't leave you because of this. There would be nowhere for you to go; especially, you'd be homeless.

Humming the tune of "Uptown funk" you proceeded to get the pizza out of the oven. Once out, you set it on a plate to cool of, and as you spun around there was a figure leaning against the fridge.

"Holy mother fuc-" You stared to yell until you realized it was only Eric.

"Surprise?" He smiled cheekily.

Taking a moment to steady your breathing, you finally said something, "Eric, I almost had a heart attack!" You playfully teased, quietly laughing at the end as you turned back to the pizza.

He came around behind you, wrapping his arms on your waist and resting his head on your shoulder, "How was your day with Y/F/N?"


Eric mocks your answer before adding, "I was hoping for the details... Unless it's just that girly talk about bras and stuff."

"Oh, come on, you love my bras!" You teased as you took 3 slices of pizza.

He smirked, "Love seeing them on the floor." He added with a wink at the end.

Your cheeks were beet red, you could feel it. You carried your pizza to the living room, slipping by him dramatically. Plopping down on the couch, you leaned back and watched the crappy television program.

You sighed smiling, "Well, if you must know the details... Y/F/N met someone, and from the sounds of it, they're really hitting it off."

Eric laughed and went to sit down before seeing a commercial for a brand called rum. "Oh, that reminds me!" Eric jogged over to the front door, "I got this exquisite bottle of wine from a waiter at the restaurant in exchange for an autograph. I figured we could crack this baby open and have some fun tonight?"

It seemed as though there was no way of avoiding it now. You couldn't drink, you were pregnant.

"Eric. Babe, I-I can't," You stuttered.

He looked confused and held the bottle, "I thought you liked this brand though? What's wrong with drinking wine?"

"Nothing is wrong with the brand. I can't drink any alcohol for a while..." You drifted off, staring at the pizza in front of you.

Neither of you spoke. The sound of "The walking dead" was barely drowning out the awkward silence. He took a seat on the chair opposite of you.

Finally, he spoke, "Well, I don't under- Why can't you drink for a while?"

You looked out the window, his tone was an 'I already know the answer, but I'll ask questions anyway' type of tone. Scared for what that meant you stared out the window, feeling like your whole world might fall apart with these next two words.

You turned slowly to face him, looked him dead in the eyes and told him.

"I'm pregnant."

It's hard to know exactly how long you two stared at each other. Eric, he was emotionless, you couldn't tell how he felt about it. You just silently prayed he wouldn't be mad or upset. That he would stick around and be a dad.

"How far along are you?" Eric asked, monotone-like.

You shrugged slightly, "7 or 8 weeks. Maybe 9."

He nodded, still trying to hold back his emotions. You could tell he seemed... Disappointed as he spoke, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't- I didn't know..." You looked away; down at the ground avoiding eye contact.

"Y/N? Look at me please."

Slowly, you lifted your head to a small smile on his face, "What's wrong?"

You sighed taking a deep breath, "I was worried you would leave. I mean we are both so young; you're 21, I'm barely 20... I figured you'd want to focus on football instead of a child... I was worried I'd lose my whole world." Tears were brimming your eyes, a couple even spilling over. Eric even had watery eyes.

"Baby, I've stood by you since we met in high school. I'll stay with you now, forever and always." He wiped a couple tears off your cheeks with his thumb before leaning in and kissing you.

Your lips moved in sync as he kissed you passionately; with all the love he would build up, which was quite a lot.

"I love you and our unborn baby." He said breathless.

"We love you too." You whispered as he kissed you again.

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