Jadon Sancho (Requested)

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 If it wasn't for you guys telling me what to write about, this 'book' would be like 3 pages 😂


"I'll be there for you..."

First thing I hear when I wake up is the theme song to the TV show 'Friends'. I slowly open my eyes to bright lights. I look around and realize I'm in the hospital. I look over to see Jadon watching Friends on the hospital TV.

"Babe?" I lift my hand but instantly bring it down, because the IV made it hurt.

"Hey! You're awake." Jadon jumps up and grabs my hand. "How you feeing?"

"What happened? My leg hur-" I stop and remember my surgery I had today. "God, I am such an idiot."

"No, it's okay baby girl. The anesthesia is waring off. The doctor said your knee will hurt for a few days, but he prescribed pain meds that you have to take every 6 hours."

"Ugh, can you bring me some water? My mouth is so dry." I ask him as he kissed my forehead.

"Of course, the water station is just down the hall. I'll be right back." He runs out the door.

A few minutes later, the doctor comes in with a bright smile on his face.

"Hey! You're awake that's amazing you're making progress. I'm Dr. Moore. I have good news, and some bad news. Which one would you like first?"

"Good news first doc," I say as I grab the water bottle from Jadon since he came back.

Dr. Moore chuckles a little, "well, your knee will be healed within 4-6 months. Bad news... You won't be able to play football again this season. But to tie this all together, you'll be able to be discharged today."

"Hey, that's in time for my football game in a few days." Jadon says hopeful.

"Too soon babe." I chuckle at him as I slowly sit up.

"Do not put pressure on your leg for a few weeks. Use the crutches when you walk every time, have a good day ma'am and hopefully I don't have to perform surgery on you again." The doctor chuckles as he walks out the room.

"Good thing I brought clothes for you!" Jadon says as he pulls out his backpack.

"God, I love you."


Since I been home, all I been watching was football. I really missed it. Being a female professional football player myself, I really missed the sport.

"Babeeeeeee," Jadon drags on as he jumps on the bed next to me.

"Yes Jadon?"

"If you keep watching football every day, you're out you'll stress yourself out."

"I know. It just sucks. I just joined Borussia female team and I get injured at my first practice." I say sadly.

"I know baby. Do you want to come to my game to make you happier?" He asks holding up a ticket.

"HELL YES!" I scream happily.

He chuckles, "Good, I'll help you get ready. I have to leave soon."


Later that night, Jadon and I got to the stadium, and he helped me to my seat in the stands. He got me and my best friend a spot where I can elevate my leg without touching someone else with my foot.

Eventually, the game started off slow. Both teams equally had possession over the ball. The first half ended with a score of 0-0. During half time, Jadon jumped the stand just to give me a hug, causing the audience behind me to go absolutely crazy.

When the second half started, Jadon's teammate passed him the ball, and Jadon sprinted down the pitch. Everyone in the crowd held their breath as we watched Jadon face the goalkeeper. He went for the shot and made it. The crowd went crazy jumping up from their seats cheering for Jadon. He celebrates with his team then runs to when I was sitting.

Understanding that I can't stand up without assistance, he jumps the barricade once again and gives me a long kiss.

"That was for you baby girl." He says before pulling me in for another kiss.

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(like this but the other way around)

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