David Brooks (Requested)

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"You are not allowed to see that boy David ever again!" My dad yells at me.

"Why? He did-"

"No questions asked. You shall listen to me and your dad!" My mom cuts me off.

"Go to your room." My dad demands.

I stand up and stomp my way upstairs to my bedroom. I slam the door and jump onto my bed. I lay there for a minute until I hear my computer ding. I sit up and grab my computer.

I get a message from someone named Michelle. I don't know anyone named Michelle. I read the message and quickly figure out who 'Michelle' is.

Michelle: Hey, it's David! This is my sisters old account. I know your parents don't want you talking to me so just message me on here. I am sorry for getting you in trouble baby. If I knew your parents didn't want you in a relationship, I would've just dropped you off and not of came into your house. I LOVE you baby girl👩‍❤💋👨

Me: I love you too David! Are you doing anything tonight? My parents are going on vacation for two weeks. I will be home along, and to be honest I hate being alone and need company. My friend was coming over, but if you do, she doesn't have to come😊

Michelle: Tell me the time and I will be there ;)

Me: They are leaving at 5:20. Their plane leaves at 6 Just to make sure they don't come back, come here at 7 ;-)

Michelle: Alright. See you then. Love you💋

I smile and shut my computer. I look at the clock and it's only 3pm. I sigh, 6 o'clock couldn't come fast enough. I end up falling asleep about five minutes later.

"Y/N, honey." My mom shakes me.

"Yeah?" I stretch.

"We are leaving early to get food before the flight. Is Ellie on her way?" She ask me.

"Yeah she should be here around 6." I lie, knowing Ellie isn't coming anymore because David is.

"Okay. See you in two weeks. Love you honey." She kisses my head and closes my bedroom door.

I jump up and open my computer and message David.

Me: Baby, my parents left early to get dinner. Please come now, I need a hug.

Not even 2 minutes later, I already got a message.

Michelle: I am on my way with open arms princess. See you soon!💝

I go downstairs and wait for David to arrive. I turn on the Tv to a random movie and go to the kitchen to make pancakes. Yes, it is almost night time, but I want pancakes. I am weird, don't ask.

As soon as I am done cooking, someone knocks on the door. I run to the door and open it to see David standing on the other side with flowers.

"David! I missed you!" I pulled him into the house and give him a giant hug."

He pulls away and gives me flowers. "I missed you too. I hope you love the flowers."

I pecked him on the lips, "I love them. Just as much as you."

I put the flowers in a vase and put a few pancakes on a plate for me and David. After we eat, we cuddle on the couch and start watching a movie. About an hour into the movie, I start to fall asleep. David picks me up and carries me into my room and gently lays me onto the bed.

"I love you y/n." he whispers in my ear.

"I love you too David."

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