Chapter 10

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Ten's eyes narrowed as his gaze darted back and forth between the two vampires."What on earth are you two talking about?"

"Uhhh," Yuta shot a guilty look towards Taeyong, "nothing at all," he said hastily before standing abruptly, "if that's all for today my Lord I really need to get back to training."

Taeyong nodded gravely, "You're free to go."

Ten turned to Taeyong, brow still crinkled in confusion, "what was that was all about?"

"Ahh you know...vampire politics" Taeyong said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

He knit his fingers in front of him and assumed a serious expression, "Now then. What did you make of the coven leaders?"

Ten blinked at the abrupt shift in topic but nonetheless took a moment to organize his thoughts before speaking.

"Coven Head Jongin did seem surprised to see me but overall he seems kindhearted with his concern over the displacement of the young from the recently dissolved Rihaven Coven."

"Yes, I am concerned about that as well...even though the Rihaven Coven was found to have wantonly broken the Blood Pacts and dissolution was appropriate, there is no policy for the treatment of the young who are obviously blameless in this matter. I'm working on writing a policy to be ratified at the next meeting but until then I've taken them into the Coven house." Taeyong shook his head with a sardonic smile, "Not like we're lacking room but this isn't exactly an ideal environment to raise young with the increase in military activity..." he trailed off with a distant look. "Sejun was always so much better at this governance stuff than me" he lamented with a sigh.

Taeyong looked so lonely, Ten thought to himself, as if the vampire was reliving a hundred lifetimes of solitude in this very moment. He set a reassuring hand on the vampire's shoulder.

Hey don't worry, you're a good leader," Ten asserted, "You can tell by how much the other Coven leaders respect you and defer to your judgment. There's a lot happening right now and being here might be the safest thing for those young I don't think you're making a bad decision"

Taeyong's gaze penetrated him with its intensity for an endless moment "Ah Tennie how are you so perfect?" Taeyong wondered aloud, a note of awe coloring his voice.

Ten's eyes widened in shock and felt his cheeks heat, "I didn't really do anything" he mumbled confusedly.

Taeyong looked down at Ten's hand then at his face his lips curving into a tender smile. He reached out his own hand to cradle Ten's face, "It's enough that you're here." his thumb skimming across Ten's cheekbone before reluctantly dropping his hand.

The Vampire Lord stood slowly, stretching his arms upward to soothe his stiff back and a sliver of toned abs appeared below his shirt's hemline. Ten felt his breath hitch and doubted the vampire had failed to notice with the small smirk of satisfaction that showed on his face.

"I heard you've been getting along with Yuta well during training?" He asked casually

"I uhhh- I mean yes! yes I have- been getting along well that is..." he trailed off realizing he was rambling.

Taeyong's smile deepened."Speaking of Yuta we're you still planning on joining the practice session today? Yuta doesn't exactly take kindly to latecomers."

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