Chapter 6

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Ten—half asleep— tugged on Taeyong, who was leaning over him, causing him to tumble onto the bed next to Ten. The vampire froze, unsure of what Ten was doing but the human promptly curled up against him and went to sleep...

Ten's perspective:
Ten slowly opened his eyes, blinking sleepily at his unfamiliar surroundings.
That's right he thought I'm not at Dusk Rose Organization... Ten tried to sit up but a weight around his torso was preventing him, Ten looked down and gasped when he realized the heavy feeling was, in fact, an arm and when his eyes followed the arm up to its owner's face he gasped again even louder realizing it was Taeyong's arm curled tightly around him.

What am I supposed to do?! Will he be offended if I push him off me? But he might misunderstand my intentions if he wakes up like this? I hope this doesn't become a diplomatic incident~

Ten squirmed halfhearted trying to escape, he was more worried about what the vampire lord would say when he woke to find himself in this position, that and he found himself disconcertingly comfortable in Taeyong's embrace and was eager to put some distance between them so he could clear his head of the vampire's intoxicatingly heady scent. It was quickly consuming his senses and he found himself drowning in the vaguely spicy cologne mixed with the lingering tinge of coppery blood and a hint of something distinctly other that he couldn't quite identify.

Ten felt something rumble underneath him, "Ten?" Taeyong questioned with impeccable calm, "What are you doing?"

Ten was plastered against Taeyong's body next to him rubbing his head against Taeyong's shoulder like a cat. Hearing Taeyong, Ten paused tilting his head to the side and blinking at Taeyong confusedly.

"What are you doing?" Taeyong repeated calmly

A haze seemed to lift from Ten's eyes, "I...I'm not sure..." Ten looked at Taeyong again as if just now truly seeing him and the position they were entangled in.

Ten suddenly blushed a fiery red and dove forward, burrowing his head in the crook of Taeyong's neck to try and hide his embarrassment.

Because of this he missed seeing Taeyong press his lips together tightly trying to suppress a moan as Ten's entire body pressed against his own with the movement.

"Ten..." he groaned tightening his one-armed grip around the other's waist.


"I think...," Taeyong was interrupted by an urgent knocking on his suite door.

"My Lord?" It was Jaehyun, "What is it Jaehyun?" Taeyong asked irritably

Jaehyun paused, "Your schedule for the day my lord," when there was no response he seemed to realize the Vampire Lord's unspoken command, "I'll leave it on your desk for you my Lord, please let me know if you require  anything."

"Good," Taeyong replied shortly. Jaehyun's footsteps faded out of hearing.

Ten's eyebrows were knitted in confusion and he still looked slightly dazed, "I...I don't know what just happened..." he said uncertainly.

Careful Ten...find a way to salvage this so it doesn't become an international incident! He cautioned himself, but before he could say anything else he was interrupted.

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