Chapter 2

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Taeyong was left alone with the human boy. The boy gripped the hilt of his sword tightly, "He won't bother you again," Taeyong promised.

The boy nodded, "I'm sorry for troubling you Vampire Lord Taeyong. I'm afraid they caught me unawares I couldn't summon my sword Nero with my arms trapped."

Taeyong raised an eyebrow wondering how this human somehow recognized him, "That sword...," he said thoughtfully, observing the strange light it was producing, he looked at the boy sharply, "are you a Sword Shaman?"

"Ah forgive me," the boy said cooly, "I haven't introduced myself. My name is Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul and as you correctly guessed I am an attack mage specifically a Sword Shaman of the Dusk Rose Organization."

Taeyong opened his mouth, "—don't even bother trying to pronounce it," Chittaphon interrupted, "Just call me Ten. Vampire Lord Taeyong, I formally request sanctuary under the provisions of the treaty between your coven and the Dusk Rose Organization."

Taeyong smiled slightly, all of his immediate questions answered already by the quick-witted boy. "Very well, Ten," He savored the name as if tasting it, "I will provide you with accommodations within the coven house. Please," He gestured for Ten to follow him. Light gathered around Ten's sword and it disappeared from sight.

The two walked together towards the Coven house, which was really more of a compound: where most of the vampire nobility had rooms, the clan court met, and petitioners came hoping for an audience with himself—the vampire lord.

Taeyong studied the young human intently as they walked, he told himself he was trying to discern his hidden intentions, but he could not help but notice Ten's handsomeness, he cut a striking figure even compared to the unnaturally beautiful vampires Taeyong was used to seeing, he felt that Ten would likely not lose, even to them, in terms of looks.

Taeyong and Ten neared the Vampire Coven house and the guards at the gate, upon recognizing their lord, stood alertly, and as soon as the code-phrase had passed his lips they quickly stepped aside to allow him and his guest through with identical graceful bows.

Taeyong led Ten towards his office but about halfway there he noticed Ten's presence disappear from right behind him.

Taeyong immediately pivoted mid-step, growing angrier by the second as he followed the lingering trail of Ten's scent, he unfortunately had a fairly good idea about what had likely happened and he was pissed. Taeyong hardly noticed the commotion he was causing as vampires leaped over each other to get out of his path, pressing themselves flat against the walls as his malevolent crimson aura whipped round him in agitation grabbing those unfortunate enough to stray too close and hurling them in various directions to slam against the stony walls or ceiling.

Taeyong rounded a corner and his
suspicions were confirmed when he saw Ten clutching his glowing sword as three vampires surrounded him. The beheaded corpse of one vampire—a victim of his sword no doubt—laid to Ten's right and the remaining three were closing in on him with murderous expressions.

"Filthy human! How dare you enter the Vampire Coven house! We will reach you a lesson!" One of the vamps declared with a vicious sword swing. Ten dodged but he couldn't escape entirely because of the wall and the tip of the vamp's sword sliced across his cheek. A wound on Ten's leg was also still bleeding and the vampires all looked like they were having difficulty restraining themselves from draining him dry instead of 'teaching him a lesson' as they had originally planned.

Finally sensing Taeyong's presence the three vampires froze turning slowly to face the vampire lord. Taeyong's eyes blazed with rage but his voice was eerily calm.

"This human entered the coven house with my knowledge which makes him my guest, you attacked him which means you have knowingly attacked a guest under my protection."

"But my lord!" The middle vampire protested pleadingly


He had snapped their necks before they had even a chance to scream, "The punishment is death. You know this." he calmly told their unmoving bodies before raising a glowing hand and reducing the trio permanently to ash.

All of the vampires within hearing distance heard his calm response and saw the red glow of magic and they all shivered in fear swearing to themselves that they would never be as foolish as those idiotic vamps who defied the vampire lord.

Despite Ten's protests that 'he could walk just fine' and that his injuries were 'just scratches' Taeyong swept Ten up into his arms one hand under his knees and the other his back carrying him to his office.

As Taeyong rounded the corner he paused in confusion at the sight before him.

Groaning vampires littered the floor of the hallway leading to his office. All other vampires still able to had seemingly fled except for a single young vampire female who was kneeling beside one of the injured vamps applying healing magic.

Taeyong strode to the girl still carrying Ten in his arms, "Where are the other healers?"

The corners of her mouth tightened They were all afraid of the vampire lord so they refused to come help. I may not be the best healer but I'll do my part," She said grimly concentrating on her magic.

"What is your name child?"

"Luna" she said, finally looking up and gasping when she realized the vampire lord stood before her.

Taeyong smiled gently, "Come with me Luna."

"But..." she looked around at all of the injured vampires, but as she watched they all glowed with white light and their injuries shrank to nothing. They all began to slowly sit up, blinking in confusion at their surroundings. Luna stared up at Taeyong in awe.


She followed him silently still marveling at the amazing scale of the healing magic he had just cast.

Once they were safely in Taeyong's office, Taeyong set Ten down gently on his leather couch.

"Luna, come here" Taeyong beckoned the child forward. He reached out and touched a hand to her forehead. Luna's aura glowed a vibrant purple but then her eyes rolled back in her head as she fainted. Taeyong seemed to have expected this and caught her gently laying her down beside Ten on the large couch.

Ten opened his mouth in a questioning manner but Taeyong signaled him to wait, he pulled a scrap of paper from his desk and scribbled

Can't talk here...too many ears
I know a safe place
Trust me?

To Taeyong's relief Ten seemed to understand and nodded his agreement.

For the benefit of all of the listening ears he knew were trained on the office Taeyong said, "Ambassador, I am sure you must be tired from your journey, let me show you to your quarters, we will talk further tomorrow."

"Thank you for your generosity Vampire Lord," Ten responded politely, going along with Taeyong's ruse.

Taeyong's enhanced senses picked up the sounds of several hidden listeners moving away, assuming they would hear nothing more of interest that day.

Taeyong opened the door to his office slightly and gestured Jaehyun inside, "Can you make sure this child is returned to her parents?"

Jaehyun glanced at the tiny vampire curled in peaceful sleep on Taeyong's couch, "Of course, my lord."

Taeyong nodded and scooped up Ten again who let out a startled yelp at the sudden movement and carried him out of the room.

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