Chapter 4

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(Note: This is a work of fiction I am NOT claiming the historical events described are historically accurate! Seems obvious but just want to make sure you know! *winks*)

Taeyong and Ten were finishing up eating when Taeyong suddenly noticed a smudge of cream sauce on the corner of Ten's mouth. Taeyong leaned forward until his face was extremely close to Ten's, his eyebrows crinkling together in concentration as he casually brushed his thumb gently across Ten's lips wiping away the sauce there. Ten blinked at him with shocked wide eyes, startled by Taeyong's sudden action.

Ten tried to hide how flustered he was with a hasty cough.

AHEM "So Vampire Lord—"

"—Ah there's no need for titles," Taeyong interrupted, "just call me Taeyong."

The bone-melting smile that accompanied his words had Ten faltering.

" Tae-Taeyong," Ten said hesitantly. Taeyong nodded encouragingly, "Where did you learn your medical skills?" Ten asked curiously, "It does not seem like something someone with supernatural healing abilities would need to know."

"Ahh well, that is quite a story..." Taeyong smiled a bit bitterly, his eyes were unfocused and he seemed to be watching an unfolding scene only he could see, "I was a physician in the imperial palace you see..."

" saw through Munjeong's plot before it was too late, King Injong died and she became Queen Regent with her child on the throne. She was worried that I would not be loyal to her interests so she had me beaten within an inch of my life and cast out of the palace." Taeyong sighed, "A woman took pity on me when I was bleeding to death from my wounds in the woods and turned me into a vampire, saving my life."

Taeyong looked at Ten with sad eyes, "Her name was Sejun."

Ten gasped, "Then—the previous vampire lord?"

"Yes. I served as her subordinate all these years, but her powers had been weakening in recent years and she knew that the only way for me to be properly acknowledged as her heir was by defeating her in combat and inheriting her title as Vampire Lord."

"So she staged a fight," Ten realized, "She forced you to defeat her so that you would become the new Vampire Lord."

"Yes," Taeyong's eyes flashed briefly with emotion, "that's Sejun for you, always scheming," he laughed bitterly, "even her own death serves her purposes."

"Vampire Lord Sejun was known as quite the character," Ten said with an eye-crinkling smile.

"Damnable woman," Taeyong muttered but Ten thought he saw a hint of a fond smile cross Taeyong's face.

Taeyong focused fully on Ten again, making Ten flush once again under his close scrutiny.

"Your turn."


"I shared my life story, it's your turn!"

"Oh—it's not that interesting though?"

Taeyong frowned.

"Well if you really want to hear it..."

" then I was taken in by the Dusk Rose Organization, unfortunately, my parents and everyone in that village died in the fire, only one other child and I survived, he's a Spirit Summoner in the organization, his weapon is a bow though instead of a sword like mine."

"Poor poor Tennie!" Taeyong cried, swooping the younger up in a hug, "You've had such a hard time!"


"What you don't like it?" Taeyong questioned looking disappointed. He had taken a step back but was still holding one of Ten's hands clasped in both of his own.

"Oh no no that's not it," Ten reassured hastily, waving his free hand in a flustered manner.

Taeyong brightened immediately and tugged slightly causing Ten to tumble gently into his lap.

"Uhh, Taeyong?" Ten said awkwardly.

"Hmmm?" The Vampire Lord hummed.

"What exactly are you doing?"

Taeyong had snuggled his face into the crook of Ten's neck his chin resting on Ten's shoulder.

"It's comfortable," Taeyong replied using his arms, which he had looped around Ten's waist, to pull the human even closer so that Ten's back was snug against his chest, "Besides, you're too cold, and these rooms don't have a fireplace to warm you up."


Ten shivered to hear Taeyong's voice vibrate right next to his ear. "See," Taeyong murmured, "You're shivering, let me warm you up."

'Let me warm you up' Those five words were practically dripping with innuendo. Ten sighed internally, what had he gotten himself into? Well, Taeyong's arms were warm he acknowledged...but No! He did not want the Vampire Lord to cuddle with him! That would be bad. Yes! very bad he told himself. he definitely did not like the feeling of Taeyong's strong arms embracing him. Yes, definitely not! Besides—

"You're so bony!" Ten said aloud without thinking.

Taeyong chuckled warmly, "Alright you win this time Tennie."

This time?! Ehhh?!

Ten yelped as he felt himself once again lifted without warning.

He really wished Taeyong would stop startling him like this

Taeyong set him gently on the fluffy bed.

"Have a good rest, if you need anything you can just call me," he handed me a business card with his name and phone number printed in silver script


Ten stared at the card in his hand, "I don't have a phone though?"

Taeyong looked startled for the first time today, "Really?"

"Really." Ten replied looking up at Taeyong worried expression.

To Ten's surprise, Taeyong laughed again

He should laugh more often it makes him even more handsome...wait! No! Get ahold of yourself Ten!

"You can just use the landline then."

"Landline?" Ten looked around and noticed the corded-phone on the bedside table for the first time. "Oh," he said sheepishly.

Taeyong smiled, "You're so cute Tennie. If you need anything call me ok?"

Although he was smiling, the stubborn expression in Taeyong's eyes brokered no arguments.

"...ok" Ten agreed reluctantly.

Ten felt a soft pair of lips feather against his cheek, but by the time he raised his head, Taeyong had already breezed away—to deal with Coven matters no doubt—Ten knew he should probably care more about being unable to fulfill his duties as the Vampire Lord's observer but he felt his eyelids growing heavier and before he knew it he had drifted off to sleep.

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