Chapter 5

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Taeyong returned sometime later and glanced into Ten's bedroom smiling softly when he saw the human curled up on the bed in deep sleep his chest rising and falling steadily with each breath. He felt a little bad for slipping a mild sedative into Ten's meal but he knew from his past experience as a doctor that Ten's body needed sleep in order to heal. Taeyong closed the door softly and headed back to his bedroom not that he needed much sleep—a few hours was enough to last him for almost three days—but he hadn't slept in a while due to his overflowing paperwork. Taeyong felt the beginnings of a forced sleep if he didn't sleep of his own volition soon. Taeyong glanced at his desk as he passed the ajar door of his private study and saw that someone, likely Jaehyun, had left a stack of papers there. The paperwork was color-coded by importance from the looks of it and Taeyong lamented once again his forced inheritance of the Vampire Lord position. He had originally wanted to live a quiet peaceful life as just one of the Coven members but Sejun had other plans in mind. She had always told him that it was the responsibility of the powerful to protect the weak—a simplistic view perhaps but valid nevertheless. Taeyong supposed Sejun would be glad he was assuming the responsibility of the clan but he couldn't help but feel conflicted...

Could he really take her place? She was so strong was he strong enough to live up to her expectations?

Taeyong tugged his shirt over his head tossing it into his laundry basket before letting himself fall back onto his bed.

2 hours later...

Shouts and the sound of clanging metal woke him, he blinked dazedly for a moment, then realizing what he was hearing, leaped to his feet and flashed into the main part of the suite where the sounds were coming from.

The sight he saw there was hard to believe. Four masked attackers were surrounding Ten but he was somehow managing to hold them back. His every move was so graceful and efficient that you would think he had choreographed the entire fight. He danced amid the flashing swords and daggers and every time his glowing sword darted a wound appeared somewhere on its target's body. Taeyong hadn't seen such beautiful swordsmanship in a very long time. He couldn't help but be awestruck, however, even as he watched Ten's strength began to flag and one of his assailants' sword tips was able to pierce through his defense to score a red line across his right pectoral. With this Taeyong suddenly remembered Ten's injury and rushed forward to assist him, grabbing the first of the attackers he ripped their head clean off their shoulders with one savage movement. The other three fighting against Ten stared at the headless corpse of their former ally in frozen shock their eyes wide above their face-masks. Taeyong's eyes glowed as he stalked towards them, they all stumbled backward their only thought was of retreat. All those near the vampire lord's rooms clearly heard three anguished screams which were abruptly cut off leaving them all shivering once again at their lord's terrifying strength. A group of guards came running at the sound. They saw the bodies of the guards the attackers had cut down sprawled outside the entry doors and feared the worst. Throwing the double doors open they burst into the suite with drawn swords at the ready only to be met by the sight of Ten calmly wiping the blood from his blade as a blood-splattered Taeyong applied a poultice to the new scratch Ten had received.

"Umm my lord and uhh Ambassador sir?" The lead guard questioned, "what exactly happened here?"

Ten gestured to the bodies with his sword. "These people attacked us," he shot a reproachful look at Taeyong, "I wanted to keep at least one of them alive for questioning but unfortunately the Vampire Lord here went overboard."

Taeyong did not look the least bit remorseful, "I was saving you."

Ten sighed turning back to the guards one of which was curiously poking at one of the men Taeyong had killed when the corpse let out a low moan of pain.

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